wheat flour | Family kitchen

Fluffy cottage cheese pancakes
Very delicious pancakes. Fluffy, very light. Just melts in your mouth. When I remember their taste I’m suffused with warmth and good memories of the weekend.
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Polenta pancakes
Somehow I baked pancakes long time ago. So came the time when I started to miss them. And I guess my all family miss them too, because these polenta pancakes disappeared very quickly. If you don’t have polenta or lazy to grind corn groats, you can use corn flour. You just have to use more milk.
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Sour milk muffins
Weekend 🙂 and at last I had time carefully to look what’s in a fridge 🙂 And my eyes saw sour milk that will spoil very quickly if I won’t do anything. So I remembered not so long ago published Bea sour milk muffins. There was no time to think – just do. And now I’m sitting happy and satisfied with a cup of tea:)
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Pizza dough with baking powders
This pizza dough is for those who always don’t have time to prepare pizza dough with yeast. It helped me several times, when I suddenly understood that I want pizza for Friday night and there was no pizza dough with yeast frozen in a freezer. My family liked it also and I’m very happy about that 🙂
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Crepes rolls with minced meat
Loved from the first bite 🙂 Especially liked it my hubby – he’s the spicy food lover. For the children I didn’t even let them to taste 🙂 Not because of jealousy, just they still love mild tastes.
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Tender apple cake
I still have apples and they are shouting that I have to make something from them before I have to throw them away. I chose this recipe because I had some vanilla sauce and in the recipe it was suggested to eat it with ice creams. Children like the cake even without the sauce.
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Cookies with cottage cheese
Once great grandparents brought from the farmer market home made cottage cheese for there beloved grandchildren. But the cheese wasn’t so delicious as everyone wanted so for a long time it sat quietly in the corner of a fridge and waited. But the day has come when this cheese was used for unsweetened cookies, that tasted something between cookies and baked cottage pancakes. Everyone was happy – children, because they got tasty snack, cottage cheese – because at last he was useful, and parents – that didn’t throw away spend money.
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Pizza dough, prepared in bread machine
We’re getting used to make pizza every weekend. Maybe because I prepare pizza dough in bread machine and freeze for later use. So when friday comes, I take one pizza dough ball from the freezer and put it in the fridge. Next day I just have to stretch it out and put all the leftovers from the fridge. But it’s an other story 🙂
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Oat muffins with dried fruits
I don’t know why but I look at baking with dried fruits suspiciously. But now I’m ashamed… I baked these muffins and ate half of them all by my self… Sour milk gave the taste of cottage cheese. Strange, but we like it 🙂
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Carrot muffins with honey
Author: Aušra Date: 2010-10-17 Carrot muffins where you can’t feel carrots because it smells banana 🙂 If you don’t like the taste of carrots in bakings – these muffins are just for you. Carrot muffins …
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Crepes with ham and cheese
It’s easy and quick dinner. I’ve tried to make crepes with ham and cheese filling before, but I missed something. And when I tried this recipe I understood, that this is it I was looking for. And the secret ingredient to success is mayonnaise.
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Kids’ cookies
Last weekend we baked kid’s cookies. And it was really fun 🙂 I’m happy that I found these butter cookie dough. You don’t have to chill it – just mix all ingredients and you can play. Of course it has one nuance – you can’t roll it and cut with cookie forms. You make cookies by making small balls and sticks. And if you just fantasize – you can make flowers, butterflies, turtles, worms or anything you can imagine.
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Poppy seed zucchini muffins
If you still have zucchini, you should bake these muffins. They are moist as all baking with zucchini, but poppy seed gives some new flavour.
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Apple muffins
This year I can say that we don’t have own apples. So when I got a bag of apples I wanted to try something new. And these muffins are different because apples aren’t mixed in the dough, they’re on top. They look nice and taste good.
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Ratatouilletarte or mini pies with vegetables
These mini pies are very delicious and warm, and cold. I thought I will miss meat, but I didn’t. I thought to bring them to work for lunch, but I couldn’t because we ate them all for breakfast…
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Soda bread
Somehow I forget to set my breadmaker to bake the bread or remember only very late in the evening. If there was no bread the next day my hubby would be starving 🙂 So I had to do something. And have to say that hubby very liked the bread with cheese.
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Cherry coffee cake with cinnamon
One day I had a strong feeling that I just have to bake something for my co-workers. So I told my hubby that he has to look after our children till they get asleep and went to the kitchen. We tasted this coffee cake the next day. And it tasted very good, so until lunch the coffee cake was gone.
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Crepes stuffed with broccoli and cheese
I’m very excited when the recipe which I chose to prepare is admitted 110 percents. I wanted to make these crepes all week long, but all week I had no time to spend in the kitchen. And only this weekend the time has come 🙂 I’m very glad that I made only half portion because if there were more than four crepes I couldn’t stop eating. The filling is so light, with the gentle taste of broccoli and very nice taste of cheese. My hubby said he wasn’t hungry but ate one crepe and was very excited 🙂 The next time I will not make our usual crepes with cheese filling, but give a little bit more time and make these crepes.
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Cherry cake with chocolate
I bookmarked this recipe long ago. And this week everyday after work I thought to bake it, but… This weekend I said “now or never” and I’m happy to say that it was “now”. I baked it from half portion and made a mistake. When my hubby tasted it he said “I my God, you’ll have to bake it again”. The little one was crying near the empty plate pleasing for more 🙁 Good to know that I still have some cherries in the freezer, so they won’t have to wait very long 🙂
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Challah basket
Today we celebrate Easter in my son’s kindergarten. I was asked to bring few eggs, but I just had to put them somewhere. So I baked this basket 🙂 But while I was baking it, 2 eggs of 5 were eaten by my children, so I have to put candies to look basket pretty 🙂
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Small cheese pies
Delicious little pies. If I have Vienna sausages, I put them in the filling too and all you have to do is to take tomato sauce for the great food 🙂
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Potato bread
At last I found bread that my hubby really enjoyed eating it 🙂 Yeah… For long time I baked only bread without the crust. But now I have big hopes that we will make a break with it and start baking this potato bread. By the way, the taste of this bread is slightly similar to “švilpikai” 🙂
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Buns with bacon
We don’t eat smoked bacon with onions and bread often, just sometimes 🙂 But after visiting family in farm we got a big cut of smoked bacon. So I baked buns with bacon. I just love them, but my hubby don’t. Anyway, I baked and froze a lot of buns, so now I have snack or breakfast for a long time:)
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Bread sticks with paprika and sesame
Very good snack. Kids came from the kinder-garden and ate only these sticks till none was left. I had to hide some for photo session. I baked them already two times. The first time I rolled sticks in sesame seeds, but the next day I had joy cleaning all house with vacuum-cleaner from the seeds 🙂 The next time I put sesame seeds inside the dough and it was more practical and the taste didn’t differ very much.
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Rolls with feta
Yesterday for dinner we had only soup, so I decided to bake these coissants for stronger food. Coissants and soup were perfect together.
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Banana muffins
These healthy muffins are extremely moist and delicious.
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Coffee-cake with cherries
Refreshing coffee-cake with light cherry sourness. At the beginning I was afraid that the recipe uses too much cherries, but when we tasted this coffee-cake we understood that the balance of sweetness and sourness is just perfect.
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Buns Maize with yeast
Maybe when you take a look at the recipe you think that it is ordinary yeasted buns. And you will be wright 🙂 We just liked that they are not too sweet, and the shape of buns look pretty. These buns are popular in our family. I also tried to make rabbit shape buns for children but understood that here I need to practise a lot 🙂
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