sour milk | Family kitchen

Wild strawberries with sour milk
2011 08 07 / Šeimos Virtuvė
Quick and easy drink or dessert. I made it for kids and they liked it a lot. It’s a pity that these berries were the last in our garden.
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Sour milk muffins
2011 02 05 / Šeimos Virtuvė
Weekend 🙂 and at last I had time carefully to look what’s in a fridge 🙂 And my eyes saw sour milk that will spoil very quickly if I won’t do anything. So I remembered not so long ago published Bea sour milk muffins. There was no time to think – just do. And now I’m sitting happy and satisfied with a cup of tea:)
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Oat muffins with dried fruits
2010 10 20 / Šeimos Virtuvė
I don’t know why but I look at baking with dried fruits suspiciously. But now I’m ashamed… I baked these muffins and ate half of them all by my self… Sour milk gave the taste of cottage cheese. Strange, but we like it 🙂
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