sour cream | Family kitchen

Chopped chicken cakes with yoghurt sauce
Author: Aušra Date: 2015-03-18 Long time ago, my family enjoyed these meat cakes prepared ahead, but later I started to use less mayonnaise and stopped baking them. After some time I found recipe of very …
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Baked chicken livers with onion and tomato sauce
From the childhood we all know that livers are very healthy to eat, but knowing doesn’t mean that you do it. One day I decided to make chicken liver pate and they were very delicious but I had some liver leftover and started to look for some new recipe. I found it in one of my favourite books and it looked very similar to the dish that my mom used to make when I was a child. So I gave it a try and me and my hubby enjoyed it a lot! Sadly but my kids didn’t understand us and didn’t eat. But anyway now this recipe is one of my favourites, because it’s so quick that for making and eating it I spend less than an hour.
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Sweet cheese
This is the case when for good dessert you have to pay pretty much money, but also you can easily prepare it at home and the cost will be significantly less. I know that it needs some time for setting down but it really worth it.
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Meat balls with brown sauce
Meat balls just melts in your mouth. Very very tasty! Just if you gonna use soy sauce, be careful with salt.
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Fluffy cottage cheese pancakes
Very delicious pancakes. Fluffy, very light. Just melts in your mouth. When I remember their taste I’m suffused with warmth and good memories of the weekend.
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Salads Herring bites
Simple but satisfying salads. I liked them a lot. My hubby said that he needs more moisture, but everything can be fixed by adding sour cream or mayonnaise to your taste.
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Layered cheese and beetroot salads
Very delicious salads. Sad that photo doesn’t present the real taste.
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Chicken and rice salads with curry
I decided to prepare something new for our already boring quick menu. This dish is very quick, if you do like me – boil chicken a day before. My hubby commended. I asked him maybe the dish is so good because almost all the week we ate what we had on hand? But he assured that no and ate almost everything, leaving just a few bites for my next day lunch… You can enjoy these salads and cold, and warm.
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Potato salads with sour cream
I know that potatoes doesn’t sound very summery, but it’s quick and only that matters to me now. Just have to mention that I asked my hubby to boil potatoes and eggs while I was at work.

Cake from crackers “Little fishes”
One of my hubby favourite cakes. I like it too, just we made it so many times that I think now we need a break.
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Simple oatmeal cake
This cake is not very sweet, so if you like sweeter add 1 cup of sugar. That I did when baked second time. Because of the bigger sugar amount batter was more runny so I skipped sour cream. The cake came out very good and everyone agreed that this time it was better. So make your decisions and try this really simple cake by yourself. – See more at:
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