pumpkin | Family kitchen

Pumpkin granola with chocolate chunks
Usually I make granola in summer, when it’s hot outside and no one wants to eat porridge. But when last week I tried new recipe for granola bars and I had only crumbs, my kids ate it just like usual granola for breakfast. And then they asked to make more granola. So I make my favourite at this moment granola. Kids’ favourite granola will have to wait a little bit. They enjoy this granola too, just for them I had to add chocolate with more sugar.
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Swirl Pumpkin Brownies
Yes, I still have pumpkin puree 🙂 And this time it’s not so healthy but very chocolate brownie. It’s really easy, just I baked 10 minutes more. The next time, I will bake only 5 minutes more. And also, when I baked it second time I used less sugar, and my big girl tasted that. My hubby also agreed that brownie second time was not so good as the first time. So the third time I won’t change anything – these proportions are really perfect!
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Lemon pumpkin soup
This is one of the old recipes, but it was waiting to show here because of tiredness or laziness. Don’t know which would be correct word 🙂 But we liked it so it’s time for soup to show up here. Its sourness was fabulous so for sure we will repeat it when fresh pumpkin will be at my home again.
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Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins
These muffins are really good, because they are very moist, not very sweet and of course – they are with chocolate! My kids just love them and at one time ate almost everything (my hubby helped them a little bit 🙂 ). So we agreed that we will repeat very soon.
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Swirled pumpkin cream cheese cake
It looks like simple ordinary pumpkin cake, but special taste gives cream cheese. It takes cake to another level 🙂
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Pumpkin blondies with chocolate and pecans
It was the first time when cake dissapeared so quickly. And even more – almost everyone asked for the recipe. 🙂 I was really pleased. So I write down here the recipe without a queue (in the queue there are five more recipes).
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Pumpkin muffins
In most bakings with pumpkin are used ginger, cinnamon, cloves. But my family doesn’t admire them. So I was looking for something simple but still good to our tooth. And when I found this muffins, I stopped searching. We all liked them. My kids ate them. And now I bake more and some put in a freezer for quick snack for my children before sleep.
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Ratatouilletarte or mini pies with vegetables
These mini pies are very delicious and warm, and cold. I thought I will miss meat, but I didn’t. I thought to bring them to work for lunch, but I couldn’t because we ate them all for breakfast…
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Pumpkin cheesecake
Fantastic cheesecake, everyone liked it and my hubby just loved it. But also very solid, so you can have only one piece of this cake and this will be enough.
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Mini pie with pumpkin and prunes
These mini pies are very good way to use pumpkin or pumpkin puree. I and my hubby like them very much, but the kids do not. My mother asked to bake them because she wanted to take them to her work and that is the best proof to me that they taste great 🙂
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