oatmeal | Family kitchen

Pumpkin granola with chocolate chunks
Usually I make granola in summer, when it’s hot outside and no one wants to eat porridge. But when last week I tried new recipe for granola bars and I had only crumbs, my kids ate it just like usual granola for breakfast. And then they asked to make more granola. So I make my favourite at this moment granola. Kids’ favourite granola will have to wait a little bit. They enjoy this granola too, just for them I had to add chocolate with more sugar.
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Banana granola sugar-free and oil-free
nother name of this granola should be “It can’t be more healthy” 🙂 Now almost every sweet is too sweet for me, that’s why I liked this granola – it has only a mild sweetness. But making this granola you should use really overripe banana.
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Oatmeal with banana and nuts
This morning was cloudy so it was a good time to cook this oatmeal. My kids don”t like simple oatmeal (or I just think that I still didn”t learn to cook it tasty), so I decided to make a little bit sweet but still healty version. Banana gives mild sweetness and nuts adds some crunchy texture. In the original recipe walnuts are used, but we don”t like them so I changed them to hazelnuts. At the end my little one asked next time not to add nuts at all. So decide by yourself to use or not to use nuts in your oatmeal.
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Favourite granola bars
For real – this is my favourite granola bars. I like especially to substitute 1 tablespoon of brown sugar with molasses sugar. My all family also likes them for snack and everytime these bars are gone, they miss them.
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Chocolate-Coconut Granola
A few weeks ago I started to think that it would be good to make chocolate granola. And one day it was time for that. Although it’s more cocoa granola than chocolate, but anyway, it was good combination with coconuts.
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Granola with honey
Granola that smells honey, but very crunchy and addictive like sunflowers. Everytime I prepare it, half of it I eat alone – without milk, just like crunchy cookies. Even my hubby loved it, just honey is not recommended for him, so next time I will prepare it with golden syrup instead of honey. And I like this granola without any mix-ins!
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Oat muffins with dried fruits
I don’t know why but I look at baking with dried fruits suspiciously. But now I’m ashamed… I baked these muffins and ate half of them all by my self… Sour milk gave the taste of cottage cheese. Strange, but we like it 🙂
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Soda bread
Somehow I forget to set my breadmaker to bake the bread or remember only very late in the evening. If there was no bread the next day my hubby would be starving 🙂 So I had to do something. And have to say that hubby very liked the bread with cheese.
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Turkey meatballs with cabbage
Kids-friendly recipe but also very good for adults. I made it for several times and every time all family loved it.
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Simple oatmeal cake
This cake is not very sweet, so if you like sweeter add 1 cup of sugar. That I did when baked second time. Because of the bigger sugar amount batter was more runny so I skipped sour cream. The cake came out very good and everyone agreed that this time it was better. So make your decisions and try this really simple cake by yourself. – See more at: https://www.virtuvele.lt/?p=3601&preview=true#sthash.LVQycmFN.dpuf
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