minced meat | Family kitchen

Home-made burger with Havarti cheese
When outside is so hot that no one wants to cook, but you get hungry anyway. Thus, in the late evening, when the weather began to cool down at least a little bit, we heated our hand-made grill and cooked burgers. Meat preparation is described below, and then all is left – to make your burgers to your taste and preferences. We used rolls, lettuce, tomato slices, several kinds of sauces and of course cheese. Burgers turned out incredibly tasty, perhaps because of the cheese, maybe because of grilled rolls, or maybe just because we did them at home after a very long break. They tasted even better than those bought for sure.
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Meatballs in spicy sauce
When I saw this recipes I immediately wanted to make them. The main reason – meatballs are baked in an oven, so you don’t have to stand near the stove. I made them already a few time and both times they came out really good. So I just need to add this recipe hear in my blog. You should try them too By the way, when I made them, I didn’t have bread crumbs, that’s why I used oat brans. But it didn’t change the taste, just made meatballs healthier.

Minced meat and cabbage pie with curry and apples
This pie may look strange at first, but we tried it twice and we liked it. Apples gives sweet and Tabasco – spicy tastes. And this pie doesn’t require eggs, so the filling is not so solid but it’s not crumbly also. I and my son liked the pie crust – it’s with whole wheat flour, so it crumbles a little bit more than usual with only white wheat flour, but it has some charm in it.
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Minced meat and cheese bake
This dish is perfect when you have minced meat prepared for meat balls but you don’t want to stand near the pan. It can be prepared in advance and put in a refrigerator. Then even my hubby can bake it. My family just loves this bake, maybe it’s because of the cheese, but I love it because of it’s simplicity.
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Minced meat, onions and caraway seeds stew
This stew doesn’t require much of your time, it just needs time to braise. I think freshly baked buns would be perfect here, but I had no time for them, so we ate with white bread. Original recipe calls for a lot more caraway, but I adjusted the amount for my family taste. Also be careful with the salt if using stock or you can end up with too salty stew (as I do sometimes ).

Cabbage and minced meat bake
Rather healthy and satisfying dish for cabbage lovers. My family liked it a lot, but I have to warn you – from the portions in the recipe you will make a lot of it. So if you want just to try it – make from half of the recipe.
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Cute hedgehogs
My little girl every day asks to make something for her lunch at school. She bought a few days in cafeteria her lunch, but anyway she keeps asking me for homemade lunch. So I wanted to surprise my girl and made these hedgehogs. She liked them a lot and I already baked them twice. It’s very easy.
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Meatballs with a filling
Tender, soft and very very delicious. For me and my kids they were just perfect, and only my hubby said that they could be more firm. But I think it’s just a matter of taste . I prepared them already two times and both times some of the meatballs split, but it had only difference for look, not for taste.

Layered salads with minced meat
This salads are quick and easy to prepare. We made them a couple of times last year, and remembered this year too. Although salad photo in a plate is not so good, but it taste very good anyway

Minced meat and broccoli pie
It’s a perfect lunch in an office! For preparation you can use yesterdays meatballs, and in this case you will use less time for making this pie. I give you here a little bit changed crust amounts, because I like when the crust is thinner.
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Minced meat cakes with potatoes
This dish is very practical It’s suitable for festive gatherings, because it doesn’t require a lot of time for preparing and everythings are baked at one time. All you need is only salads. We all agreed that we will prepare it again and again.

Minced meat and feta bake
I think this is the last recipe with pasta for some time. Now I’ll take a break from pasta because now we eat a lot of salads, barbecued meat and everything we find in the freezer. Of course when autumn will be near, we gonna need warming and satisfying food, so pasta will be back. Some words about the recipe. It’s satisfying and good, and simple. Unfortunately I had only one third of cheese, but it didn’t ruined the taste.
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Meat balls with brown sauce
Meat balls just melts in your mouth. Very very tasty! Just if you gonna use soy sauce, be careful with salt.
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Minced meat soup with pickled cucumbers
Simple, easy, quick, made of ingredients that we all have in a fridge or pantry. Pickled cucumbers gives something that makes this soup special – and my son eats all the bowl

Crepes rolls with minced meat
Loved from the first bite Especially liked it my hubby – he’s the spicy food lover. For the children I didn’t even let them to taste
Not because of jealousy, just they still love mild tastes.

Beetroot soup with minced meat
Easy but substantial soup. Because of vinegar you can feel mild sourness, so you better pour vinegar not by milliliters but by your taste. And I can say one more thing – I’ve tasted delicious soup like this long time ago.
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Chili con carne
Mexican minced meat and bean chilli. Can be prepared very quickly. We were afraid that beans will blanket out other ingredients, but we were wrong and I am glad about that. We wanted something hot, and we got it

Chilli stew with rice
My hubby likes hot dishes, so one day I decided to indulge him. After eating this dish he was very happy and with the smile in his face He even wasn’t disturbed that in this stew was corn, that he really doesn’t like. Tomatoes brought the right freshness. I think that this dish is really very good balanced.

Zucchini meatloaf
Very moist meatloaf. The taste is very mild so very delicious with hot tomato sauce.
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