
liver | Family kitchen

Keptos vištų kepenėlės su svogūnų ir pomidorų padažuKeptos vištų kepenėlės su svogūnų ir pomidorų padažuKeptos vištų kepenėlės su svogūnų ir pomidorų padažu

Baked chicken livers with onion and tomato sauce

From the childhood we all know that livers are very healthy to eat, but knowing doesn’t mean that you do it. One day I decided to make chicken liver pate and they were very delicious but I had some liver leftover and started to look for some new recipe. I found it in one of my favourite books and it looked very similar to the dish that my mom used to make when I was a child. So I gave it a try and me and my hubby enjoyed it a lot! Sadly but my kids didn’t understand us and didn’t eat. But anyway now this recipe is one of my favourites, because it’s so quick that for making and eating it I spend less than an hour.

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