lavash | Family kitchen

Cinnamon chips with fruit salsa
Dessert came out really good. Someone put fruit salsa on cinnamon chips, someone ate fruit salsa with teaspoon next to the cinnamon chips. Kids ate all leftovers and looked for more cinnamon chips, but unfortunately… they were all gone.
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Lavash chips with blue cheese sauce
Almost every weekend we try to do something tasty. It doesn’t have to be sweet. So this time I suggest you lavash chips with blue cheese sauce. You will make them in half an hour for sure. And they are really healthier option for patoto chips.
Some my notices. When you sprinkle lavash with salt – be careful, because cheese sauce is quite salty. If you are afraid that onion greens will fall of the chips – don’t be, they really don’t fall that easy. Also, I noticed that super markets sell lavash from a few companies, they are a little bit different in thickness. So I recommend to use thinnest – chips will be more brittle.
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