dried fruits | Family kitchen

Cottage cheese and zucchini bake
I make this bake with my first zucchini that grew in our garden. In my archive I didn’t find the recipe that I could follow, so I fantasized a little bit and make bake with cottage cheese and zucchini. My family enjoyed it a lot. And even when I baked it again, all disappeared in one sitting. So please, bake and enjoy it too!
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Pork stew with dried prunes
For the quick lunch or in case you don’t want to spend a lot of time near the stove, this pork stew if just for you. While it’s stewing, you can take your time and prepare salads or some side dish. No matter how suspiciously we looked into dried fruit and meat combination, here it suits perfectly. This time as a side dish we had brown rice, so do not be surprised that they look like dirty, but after all, healthier 🙂
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Quick Christmas fruit cake
This one was a little bit too sweet for me, but with unsweetened coffee it was great. You can substitute dried fruits with you favourites. For example I substituted some prunes with dried apricots and dates, also some of raisins substituted with dried cranberries. It’s really your choice and use all your dried fruit reserves.
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Oat muffins with dried fruits
I don’t know why but I look at baking with dried fruits suspiciously. But now I’m ashamed… I baked these muffins and ate half of them all by my self… Sour milk gave the taste of cottage cheese. Strange, but we like it 🙂
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Dried fruits candy
Someone said that Sesame candies are very healthy 🙂 But they were wrong! These candies are really super healthy because they don”t need sugar – everything in them is natural (except coating). With the hubby we decided that next time we will make these candies smaller (about 10 cents diameter) and coat with melted chocolade.
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Puffed rice with dried fruits
At first I was very sceptical about this recipe, because I thought that butterscotch and dried fruits won’t fit together. I was wrong and I am very happy about that 🙂 Dried fruits are perfect here, the dessert is not too sweet because of them.
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Mini pie with pumpkin and prunes
These mini pies are very good way to use pumpkin or pumpkin puree. I and my hubby like them very much, but the kids do not. My mother asked to bake them because she wanted to take them to her work and that is the best proof to me that they taste great 🙂
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Dried fruit skewers
Using a broad range of dried fruit, you can make good looking nice skewers. This time I used dried papaya (red), dried grapefruit (green), dried pineapple (yellow), dried strawberries (brown or dark red) and dried …
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