currants | Family kitchen

Yoghurt cake with currant cream
Maybe this is the last recipe with currants this year. This time with white currants, because I just love them. I decided to use them in this cake, although you can use black or red currants. First time I did everything by the recipe – and currant seeds were annoying. Second time boiled currants I strained through the mesh – but then cream wasn’t so refreshing. So the next time I will go the easy way and leave seeds 🙂
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Black currant pie
This year I try to make something new out of currant because last year I had no time for them. And the first try – a pie with black currants. I took it to my work and my colleagues enjoyed it a lot. So after a few days I baked it again to my hubby because I knew he will love it too. I wasn’t wrong 🙂 So believe me – this pie with a creamy black currant cream is really worth your time!
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Muffins with berries
It was really impulsive baking. I saw them in a magazine for parents in a section “Baking together”. 🙂 Together? So I asked if my kids want to bake something and they happily agreed. So I just measured all ingredients in purpose that my kids were not bored, and they started to work. The result came out perfect – smell was fantastic, and the taste was remarkable – berries gave some refreshing sourness and banana gave moisture. Even next day they were very good and left over disappeared too quickly. So I’m thinking to repeat them very soon again.
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Purple lemonade
I was always interested in how children make lemonade that I saw in the old american movies. So I was very eager to try to make it by myself. And we still have some berries in our garden, so I made this lemonade. The result was very refreshing. Just it was too strong for us, so when we watered-down in half-and-half we got very light dring with a mild taste of lemon and black currants.
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