
carrots | Family kitchen

Varškės ir morkų apkepasVarškės ir morkų apkepasVarškės ir morkų apkepas

Carrot and cottage cheese bake

Spring is here – calendar tells it, but outside is still cold. Anyway, my eyes automatically turns to warm colours. Carrots are full of warm orange colour and they are perfect for us today. In this bake, I used oat bran and it gave the bake a little bit grey colour. So if you want to make colour of the bake brighter – use semolina.

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Širdelių ir morkų troškinysŠirdelių ir morkų troškinysŠirdelių ir morkų troškinys

Hearts and carrot stew

If the past time was a healthy recipe, now it’s the cheap one. After all, you need to have all kinds of options. I made this stew for three times because we couldn’t decided we like it or not. The second time I made it, carrots had too strong taste and we didn’t like it. So choose young, crisp and tasty carrots and everything will be fine. Our children do not eat this sort of misunderstandings , so me and my hubby enjoyed it for lunch. And the last time it was so delicious that we ate more than we should. 🙂

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Kalakutienos ir ryžių troškinys su morkomis ir žaliaisiais žirneliaisKalakutienos ir ryžių troškinys su morkomis ir žaliaisiais žirneliaisKalakutienos ir ryžių troškinys su morkomis ir žaliaisiais žirneliais

Turkey and rice stew with carrots and green peas

It’s really very simple stew and seasonings play here the main role. So you should use the ones that your family loves and the quantities that are good for you. Make experiment and enjoy it! As you can guess you can substitute turkey with chicken. We tried it already and we didn’t noticed the difference.

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Troškinti žirneliai su morkomisTroškinti žirneliai su morkomisTroškinti žirneliai su morkomis

Braised green peas with carrots

This recipe looks so simple, but we found it just this year. And it’s already in top of our favourite recipes. Maybe for someone there’s nothing new, but me and my hubby didn’t eat this dish in our childhood, so it’s new for us. Now when we need quick dinner or supper, we braise all frozen vegetables the same way, and always it comes out really very very delicious.

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Morkų keksiukai su medumiMorkų keksiukai su medumiMorkų keksiukai su medumi

Carrot muffins with honey

Author: Aušra Date: 2010-10-17 Carrot muffins where you can’t feel carrots because it smells banana 🙂 If you don’t like the taste of carrots in bakings – these muffins are just for you. Carrot muffins …

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