cabbage | Family kitchen

Minced meat and cabbage pie with curry and apples
This pie may look strange at first, but we tried it twice and we liked it. Apples gives sweet and Tabasco – spicy tastes. And this pie doesn’t require eggs, so the filling is not so solid but it’s not crumbly also. I and my son liked the pie crust – it’s with whole wheat flour, so it crumbles a little bit more than usual with only white wheat flour, but it has some charm in it.
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Crispy coleslaw
For a few years I was looking for cabbage salads that my family enjoyed. And this is the one – I made them maybe 5 times or more. The secret I think is celery. Remember, we don’t like it, but this time I think it’s essential. So I want to remember these salads till the next autumn or winter and that’s why I add the recipe here – the safest place for the recipes I know 🙂
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Cabbage and minced meat bake
Rather healthy and satisfying dish for cabbage lovers. My family liked it a lot, but I have to warn you – from the portions in the recipe you will make a lot of it. So if you want just to try it – make from half of the recipe.
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Boiled potato pancakes with cabbage filling
Bored of eating potatoes and cabbages? Don’t know what to do with them? This is the solution I found yesterday on the internet. It’s a little bit time consuming, but it’s cheap. A day before a boiled potatoes and an egg, braised cabbage with onion. So the next day I had only to form pancakes and bake. My hubby was nicely surprised with the taste, and I – with the smell (I remember it from my childhood).
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Beetroot soup with minced meat
Easy but substantial soup. Because of vinegar you can feel mild sourness, so you better pour vinegar not by milliliters but by your taste. And I can say one more thing – I’ve tasted delicious soup like this long time ago.
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Turkey meatballs with cabbage
Kids-friendly recipe but also very good for adults. I made it for several times and every time all family loved it.
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