butter | Family kitchen

Cookies with cottage cheese
Once great grandparents brought from the farmer market home made cottage cheese for there beloved grandchildren. But the cheese wasn’t so delicious as everyone wanted so for a long time it sat quietly in the corner of a fridge and waited. But the day has come when this cheese was used for unsweetened cookies, that tasted something between cookies and baked cottage pancakes. Everyone was happy – children, because they got tasty snack, cottage cheese – because at last he was useful, and parents – that didn’t throw away spend money.
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Kids’ cookies
Last weekend we baked kid’s cookies. And it was really fun I’m happy that I found these butter cookie dough. You don’t have to chill it – just mix all ingredients and you can play. Of course it has one nuance – you can’t roll it and cut with cookie forms. You make cookies by making small balls and sticks. And if you just fantasize – you can make flowers, butterflies, turtles, worms or anything you can imagine.

Cherry cake with chocolate
I bookmarked this recipe long ago. And this week everyday after work I thought to bake it, but… This weekend I said “now or never” and I’m happy to say that it was “now”. I baked it from half portion and made a mistake. When my hubby tasted it he said “I my God, you’ll have to bake it again”. The little one was crying near the empty plate pleasing for more Good to know that I still have some cherries in the freezer, so they won’t have to wait very long

Small cheese pies
Delicious little pies. If I have Vienna sausages, I put them in the filling too and all you have to do is to take tomato sauce for the great food