apples | Family kitchen

Cinnamon chips with fruit salsa
Dessert came out really good. Someone put fruit salsa on cinnamon chips, someone ate fruit salsa with teaspoon next to the cinnamon chips. Kids ate all leftovers and looked for more cinnamon chips, but unfortunately… they were all gone.
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Minced meat and cabbage pie with curry and apples
This pie may look strange at first, but we tried it twice and we liked it. Apples gives sweet and Tabasco – spicy tastes. And this pie doesn’t require eggs, so the filling is not so solid but it’s not crumbly also. I and my son liked the pie crust – it’s with whole wheat flour, so it crumbles a little bit more than usual with only white wheat flour, but it has some charm in it.
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Skinny apple coffee-cake
When I was a child, my mom used to bake very similar cake to this one, she never added any fats to it. But this cake is more beautiful to me because it has apple layer. It’s very quick and simple, and author says it’s skinny – so why not to give it a try 🙂 Anyway, I think that there is no bad food, it’s all in quantities that we eat 🙂
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Chocolate cake with apples
This recipe waited for a year because last year somehow I was late – apples were gone, and I didn’t want to buy them. So this year this is my first (and the only) apple cake. And it was a really good cake! I baked only half of the recipe, but I got only one slice – my kids ate almost half of it at once. I could treat my parents only with the small slices… The cake is very moist and in reality it looks better than in the book. And I won’t judge my photos 🙂
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Tender apple cake
I still have apples and they are shouting that I have to make something from them before I have to throw them away. I chose this recipe because I had some vanilla sauce and in the recipe it was suggested to eat it with ice creams. Children like the cake even without the sauce.
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Apple muffins
This year I can say that we don’t have own apples. So when I got a bag of apples I wanted to try something new. And these muffins are different because apples aren’t mixed in the dough, they’re on top. They look nice and taste good.
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Layered curd and bread dessert
One more delicious thing from ordinary products. It’s not very sweet but that’s what we need after holidays 🙂 Also it’s very good for using up stale bread. To tell the truth neither I or my husband expected that it will be so delicious. Kids liked it too. When we tasted this dessert at the same day, the bread crumbs were very crunchy, the next day – they became soft, but both days it was real pleasure to eat it.
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