
Sweets | Family kitchen

Marmurinis šokoladainis su moliūguMarmurinis šokoladainis su moliūguMarmurinis šokoladainis su moliūgu

Swirl Pumpkin Brownies

Yes, I still have pumpkin puree 🙂 And this time it’s not so healthy but very chocolate brownie. It’s really easy, just I baked 10 minutes more. The next time, I will bake only 5 minutes more. And also, when I baked it second time I used less sugar, and my big girl tasted that. My hubby also agreed that brownie second time was not so good as the first time. So the third time I won’t change anything – these proportions are really perfect!

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Sluoksniuotos tešlos sausainiukai su aguonomisSluoksniuotos tešlos sausainiukai su aguonomisSluoksniuotos tešlos sausainiukai su aguonomis

Puff pastry cookies with poppyseed

They are addictive, I could see this in my office – big plate was empty in an hour, and there was only flour girls, and everything is because you can not go near cookies and don’t take one 🙂

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Mėlynių tortas su jogurtuMėlynių tortas su jogurtuMėlynių tortas su jogurtu

Blueberries cake with yoghurt

For the fathers day I made this cake. And it disappeared in minutes, almost everyone repeated. But I have to confess – I didn’t bake sponge, I used bought ones. Next time, I’m sure there will be next time, I will bake it. I really recommend to bake this cake!

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Moliūginiai keksiukai su šokolado gabaliukaisMoliūginiai keksiukai su šokolado gabaliukaisMoliūginiai keksiukai su šokolado gabaliukais

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins

These muffins are really good, because they are very moist, not very sweet and of course – they are with chocolate! My kids just love them and at one time ate almost everything (my hubby helped them a little bit 🙂 ). So we agreed that we will repeat very soon.

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Uogų ir bananų šerbetasUogų ir bananų šerbetasUogų ir bananų šerbetas

Berry and banana sherbet

Warm days will come back soon so we should be prepared. This sherbet is very quick, and kids will like it for sure because you don’t have to wait while they will chill. You just blend and enjoy!

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Marmurinis moliūgų pyragas su kremine varškeMarmurinis moliūgų pyragas su kremine varškeMarmurinis moliūgų pyragas su kremine varške

Swirled pumpkin cream cheese cake

It looks like simple ordinary pumpkin cake, but special taste gives cream cheese. It takes cake to another level 🙂

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Tortas su karamelizuotais bananaisTortas su karamelizuotais bananaisTortas su karamelizuotais bananais

Cake with the caramelized bananas

This year my little boy turned 4! And this is his cake. I spend a lot of time looking for the right cake. The choice was good! Maybe a little bit cream was fat, but it was tasty. Also I drizzled sponge with cherry compote. For 6 people the cake was too big, so leftovers I freezed and now I can enjoy it with the afternoon coffee 🙂

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Sveikuoliški avižiniai sausainiaiSveikuoliški avižiniai sausainiaiSveikuoliški avižiniai sausainiai

Healthy oat cookies

I didn’t even imagined that they can be so popular 🙂 I just wanted to bake some cookies 🙂 But unexpectedly my coworker asked for the recipe and one guy (who also tasted these cookies) even a few times repeated that they are really good 🙂 What could I want more? Only that you tried them 🙂 It’s really easy but so good!

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Sluoksniuotos tešlos juostelės su pabarstukaisSluoksniuotos tešlos juostelės su pabarstukaisSluoksniuotos tešlos juostelės su pabarstukais

Puff pastry stripes with sprinkles

It’s more the idea than a recipe. But the good one if you have some sprinkles leftovers. And what I liked more – they are just a little bit sweet.

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Bananų ir cukinijų keksiukaiBananų ir cukinijų keksiukaiBananų ir cukinijų keksiukai

Banana zucchini muffins

Author: Aušra Date: 2012-01-26 Banana makes these muffins smell very nice and zuchhini gives moisture. The good thing that you can use freezed grated zucchini (just squeeze the juice very good). Banana zucchini muffins Time …

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Varškinės pynutėsVarškinės pynutėsVarškinės pynutės

Buns with cottage cheese

I bake these buns everytime I have some cottage cheese left and want something sweet but at the same time simple. And the next day I just love to warm them a few seconds in the microwave – then they smell like newly baked. Really good!

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Atšaldytos tešlos sausainiai su graikiniais riešutaisAtšaldytos tešlos sausainiai su graikiniais riešutaisAtšaldytos tešlos sausainiai su graikiniais riešutais

Chilled dough cookies with walnuts

I have no time to do nothing 🙂 My job is taking all my time. Good news that it will not last forever. So I have no time to bake cookies or pies, but it doesn’t stop me from wanting some sweets. And these cookies are perfect – you can form a log and then put in a freezer for later bake, when you will have no spare time.

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Vyšnių tortasVyšnių tortasVyšnių tortas

Cherry cake

Before baking this case, I couldn’t decide – it’s a cake or a pie. But when I baked it no questions were left – it’s really a cake and the good one. Crispy top, tender egg while layer and sour cherries makes very good combination. But if you are afraid of sour cherries, you can use preserved cherries. The next time egg white layer I will make smaller or will use bigger cake form (now I used 24cm). I know, the photos are horrible, but I had to do some photos in a rush, because I try to bake less sweets and the next time this cake will be baked after long time.

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Pyragas su varške ir obuoliaisPyragas su varške ir obuoliaisPyragas su varške ir obuoliais

Cottage cheese cake with apples

For me cottage cheese and apples looked like a strange duet, but something kept pushing me to try this recipe. And the cake is juicy and refreshing but also not very sweet. It’s really good. 🙂

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Pyragas Tosca su rabarbaraisPyragas Tosca su rabarbaraisPyragas Tosca su rabarbarais

Coffee-cake Tosca with rhubarbs

>One more recipe from the book Simple recipes III. There are three books published in this serie. And almost all recipes that I”ve tried were really simple and were admited by my family. This cake is really late, because rhubarbs season ended long time ago. But my coworkers liked it – cake disappeared in half an hour 🙂 So next year I will really repeat it, and only next time I will bake top a little bit more – to get really brown top.

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Sūrio tortas su migdolais ir mėlynėmisSūrio tortas su migdolais ir mėlynėmisSūrio tortas su migdolais ir mėlynėmis

Cheesecake with almonds and blueberries

This cake is really simple. Only the base is very crumbly. Next time I will add a little bit more butter. But… maybe it”s because I used not oat cookies but shortbread cookies. My hubbe even frightened me – took one bite and moved plate toward me… The first thought – he didn”t like it. BUT I was very happy when he asked to put MORE! 🙂

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Keksiukai su rabarbarais ir graikiniais riešutaisKeksiukai su rabarbarais ir graikiniais riešutaisKeksiukai su rabarbarais ir graikiniais riešutais

Muffins with rhubarbs and walnuts

At last this hear I grew some rhubarbs. And baked this muffins in June, but they appear on my blog only now. Sorry 🙂 These muffins are soft and I recommendto bake them in paper forms. I sprinkled some with cinnamon mixture, some didn’t. My hubby decided that with cinnamon is better. And I, cinnamon lover, can’t disagree with him 🙂

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Moliūginis pyragas su šokoladu ir riešutaisMoliūginis pyragas su šokoladu ir riešutaisMoliūginis pyragas su šokoladu ir riešutais

Pumpkin blondies with chocolate and pecans

It was the first time when cake dissapeared so quickly. And even more – almost everyone asked for the recipe. 🙂 I was really pleased. So I write down here the recipe without a queue (in the queue there are five more recipes).

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Vaisinis varškės desertas ŠvelnumasVaisinis varškės desertas ŠvelnumasVaisinis varškės desertas Švelnumas

Fruit and cottage cheese dessert Softness

Refreshing and easy dessert with the last strawberries. To say the truth, I prepared double portion so I had to use wild strawberries too in companion with strawberries. Definitely I will prepare this dessert with other berries or fruits. This recipe is from my children recipe archive. So if you add mild and sweet fruit, you can surely sweeten kids stomach. Just I really recommend to chill before serving – because then cream becomes stronger.

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Migdolinis tortas su maskarpone "Hello Kitty"Migdolinis tortas su maskarpone "Hello Kitty"Migdolinis tortas su maskarpone "Hello Kitty"

Almond cake with mascarpone “Hello Kitty”

I’m happy and proud. This cake is not just tasty but very cute 🙂 It was made for my daughter’s 5th birthday. But presenting it only now because somewhere at this time my blog is celebrating 3 year old birthday and at the same time I celebrated my birthday anniversary. But this year birthday was different – I didn’t do anything, just celebrated 🙂

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Šokoladiniai maskarponės sūrio puodeliaiŠokoladiniai maskarponės sūrio puodeliaiŠokoladiniai maskarponės sūrio puodeliai

Chocolate Mascarpone Cheesecake Pots

From the look, dessert is very simple. But when you taste it, you understand that the taste is more different than the view – taste is adorable. Everyone in my family couldn’t stop after one bite. I devided dough to four ramekins because the portions were very small, but I did mistake. I really should devide it to 8 cups because this cream is very satisfying.

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Cukinijų sausainiai su šokoladu ir džiovintomis spanguolėmisCukinijų sausainiai su šokoladu ir džiovintomis spanguolėmisCukinijų sausainiai su šokoladu ir džiovintomis spanguolėmis

Zucchini Cookies with Chocolate Chips and Dried Cranberries

A little bit not ordinary cookies. You can’t taste zucchini, just it’s green skin says that cookies has a secret in side. Next time I will use quick cooking oats, because now I used old fashioned and eating cookies I could feel hard oats.

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Žemės riešutų sviesto avižiniai sausainiaiŽemės riešutų sviesto avižiniai sausainiaiŽemės riešutų sviesto avižiniai sausainiai

Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies

Sweet cookies with the mild taste of peanuts. And a little bit healthy because with oats 🙂 In original recipe used sugar for me was too much, so I used only white sugar and still for me cookies were too sweet. But my children ate have of cookies at once and hubby said that sweetness of cookies it just right.

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Valgomas plastelinasValgomas plastelinasValgomas plastelinas

Edible playdough

My kids like to play with homemade playdough. Every weekend they play in the kitchen while I’m preparing something tasty. But one time when I saw my kids sitting and smiling with green mouths, I understood that something was wrong 🙂 So I made decision – prepare edible playdough. The recipes was selected long time ago, but time to prepare it came only now. It’s very easy to make and tasty to eat – if you like peanuts and sweetness. But don’t do my mistake, don’t prepare full amount, devide in half or even more. We ate a lot, but it still is on my pantry. Now it hardened, but we break some chunks and eat like candies. After a great play you can make small balls and dip in the melted chocolate – and you will have great candies.

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Avižiniai kokosiniai sausainiaiAvižiniai kokosiniai sausainiaiAvižiniai kokosiniai sausainiai

Oatmeal coconut cookies

Magic cookies – they always disappear the first day you bake them. I know that Forelle has cookies alike, just even better – with nuts. But now I”m ok without nuts 🙂

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1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1 tsp. baking powder 50 g melted butter 1/2 cup milk 200 g pumpkin puree 2 large eggs 100 ml sugar 1 tsp. vanilla 1/2 tsp. salt1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1 tsp. baking powder 50 g melted butter 1/2 cup milk 200 g pumpkin puree 2 large eggs 100 ml sugar 1 tsp. vanilla 1/2 tsp. salt1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1 tsp. baking powder 50 g melted butter 1/2 cup milk 200 g pumpkin puree 2 large eggs 100 ml sugar 1 tsp. vanilla 1/2 tsp. salt

Pumpkin muffins

In most bakings with pumpkin are used ginger, cinnamon, cloves. But my family doesn’t admire them. So I was looking for something simple but still good to our tooth. And when I found this muffins, I stopped searching. We all liked them. My kids ate them. And now I bake more and some put in a freezer for quick snack for my children before sleep.

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Obuoliniai sausainiai su razinomisObuoliniai sausainiai su razinomisObuoliniai sausainiai su razinomis

Apple butter cookies with rasins

These cookies are universal 🙂 I baked them several times. And one time, when I found out that we don’t have nor apple butter, nor raisins, nor nuts, I improvised and cookies we make with plum jam and poppy seeds. They turned out grate too 🙂 So I decided that these cookies are perfect when I have some jam leftovers. By the way, I used unsweetened apple jam, so if you use sweet one, then I suggest to add 50 ml less sugar.

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Kefyro keksiukaiKefyro keksiukaiKefyro keksiukai

Sour milk muffins

Weekend 🙂 and at last I had time carefully to look what’s in a fridge 🙂 And my eyes saw sour milk that will spoil very quickly if I won’t do anything. So I remembered not so long ago published Bea sour milk muffins. There was no time to think – just do. And now I’m sitting happy and satisfied with a cup of tea:)

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Sūrio tortasSūrio tortasSūrio tortas


This year we met at home only with kids. So the preparation for the evening wasn’t much. This cake in all recipe sources got a lot of compliments. I agree with them – it’s really good and simple. I used 26cm cake form. And I really suggest you to warm the mascarpone and condensed milk mixture, because if you won’t do it you’ll get lumps when you pour gelatine (Then I had to put the mixture in a warm bath and wait till mixture warms and lumps dissolve).

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Kalėdiniai meduoliaiKalėdiniai meduoliaiKalėdiniai meduoliai

Christmas gingerbreads

Yeah, I know… Christmas was last year. But I want to remember this recipe for the future. It’s exclusive because one of the ingredients is sour cream. I didn’t decorate them, because these cookies were for my kids to eat before sleep. And from other side, why I need to decorate them? These cookies are delicious all by them self.

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Minkštas obuolių pyragasMinkštas obuolių pyragasMinkštas obuolių pyragas

Tender apple cake

I still have apples and they are shouting that I have to make something from them before I have to throw them away. I chose this recipe because I had some vanilla sauce and in the recipe it was suggested to eat it with ice creams. Children like the cake even without the sauce.

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Tinginys su chalvaTinginys su chalvaTinginys su chalva

Dessert with halva for lazy people

I can’t decide – I became lazy or just too tired to do anything. So still living and looking for quick and easy food. This lazy cake is not very sweet, so peope with sweet tooth maybe should add some sugar. But we liked it a lot – it’s not too sweet (as I mentioned 🙂 ), moist and creamy consistency.

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Puffed rice with Mars barsPuffed rice with Mars barsPuffed rice with Mars bars

Puffed rice with Mars bars

I use less and less ingredients to do something sweet 🙂 Now I used only three ingredients. Next time I’ll try to use breakfast crisp balls. Mars bars is very good when you don’t want to waste time unfolding butter scotches. And it gives the taste between butterscotch and chocolate. But we likes this sweet a lot – disappeared in minutes.

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Avižinių dribsnių keksiukai su džiovintais vaisiaisAvižinių dribsnių keksiukai su džiovintais vaisiaisAvižinių dribsnių keksiukai su džiovintais vaisiais

Oat muffins with dried fruits

I don’t know why but I look at baking with dried fruits suspiciously. But now I’m ashamed… I baked these muffins and ate half of them all by my self… Sour milk gave the taste of cottage cheese. Strange, but we like it 🙂

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Morkų keksiukai su medumiMorkų keksiukai su medumiMorkų keksiukai su medumi

Carrot muffins with honey

Author: Aušra Date: 2010-10-17 Carrot muffins where you can’t feel carrots because it smells banana 🙂 If you don’t like the taste of carrots in bakings – these muffins are just for you. Carrot muffins …

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Vaikų sausainiaiVaikų sausainiaiVaikų sausainiai

Kids’ cookies

Last weekend we baked kid’s cookies. And it was really fun 🙂 I’m happy that I found these butter cookie dough. You don’t have to chill it – just mix all ingredients and you can play. Of course it has one nuance – you can’t roll it and cut with cookie forms. You make cookies by making small balls and sticks. And if you just fantasize – you can make flowers, butterflies, turtles, worms or anything you can imagine.

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