Bread | Family kitchen

Minced pork and green beans stew in whole grain pita
This stew is very simple and cassual. Here pitas are as turbo feature 🙂 But they are not necessary. Just we love them and time after time I bake them. Next time we will make some yoghurt sauce with seasoning. Then the dish would be perfect. And this time we thought about the sauce only in the end.
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Yoghurt bread
Time after time I try new bread recipes but rarely I bake by them bread again because they don’t impress me much. But this yogurt bread is different – it’s very soft inside, rises perfectly and inside it’s very very white. Also one more merit – it’s made with yogurt. Yes, we have yogurt almost always in our refrigerator, and milk is more a guest in our home.
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Peppered pork pitas with garlic spread
This is my family favourite. Don’t know why – it looks so simple, but even my kids can’t stop eating till the plates are empty. You can buy pitas and just warm them, your dinner will be very quick, but I like homemade pitas. I’ve tried a few recipes, but this one I liked most, because all pitas were perfectly baked from the first time.
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I baked this challah a lot of times, because I just love it. The last time I baked it I prepared the dough and to rise the first time I put it in a fridge for the night. The next morning I took it out, formed challah and let rise it the second time, then baked it. So that morning we had delicious breakfast with still warm challah.
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Old times white bread
This bread was baked in a lot of blogs and forums, but I could photograph it just now, although I baked it already five times. My hands and eyes were not successfull 🙂 One time I overrised it, next time had to use rye flour, another next time some othe my mistakes. But despite that this bread is really good, like in old times. Just I would prefere to use milk instead water – it changes bread texture, it becomes more mild.
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We just love tortillas. I tried this recipe more than once. Every time disappears very quickly, because my kids and me just eat them warm plain. My hubby doesn’t adore pastry, but he enjoys eating tortillas with some filling. So I really recommend to try – it’s simple, quick and better one hundred time than store bought.
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Sourdough rye bread
I bake this bread more then a year. But as always, the best recipes hardly reach the blog 🙂 Because I bake it very often and know all ingredients in my head. This bread is perfect. Really 🙂 After founding this bread I don’t buy any bread at store. Or maybe just in big gatherings when I don’t have time to bake more of this bread. 🙂
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Soda bread
Somehow I forget to set my breadmaker to bake the bread or remember only very late in the evening. If there was no bread the next day my hubby would be starving 🙂 So I had to do something. And have to say that hubby very liked the bread with cheese.
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Potato bread
At last I found bread that my hubby really enjoyed eating it 🙂 Yeah… For long time I baked only bread without the crust. But now I have big hopes that we will make a break with it and start baking this potato bread. By the way, the taste of this bread is slightly similar to “švilpikai” 🙂
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