All salads | Family kitchen

White beans and dried tomato salads
Once I made these salads and it was something new. Maybe it tasted not so usual to us, but it was really good. And now I made these salads for four times and they still disappear very quickly. So I save the recipe here and recommend to try them you too.
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Buckwheat salads for lunch
These salads we prepared a few times and I can say that we like it with boiled raw buckwheat, but you can use what you have, or what you like more. Here I present you our version.
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Beetroot, cashew and feta salads
Don’t know why but this autumn I’m hooked on beetroots. Every weekend I boil some beetroots and through the week I incorporate them in our dishes. And then story repeats. When I wanted for dinner something light, I prepared these salads. By the way, this recipe in the book is called carpaccio, but I think it’s more salads, and the name is more usual and not so fancy 🙂 . Family girls enjoy them, the big boy ate them and just said that more balsamic vinegar would be better, and the little boy as always, prepared some theater and then ate them, just without enjoyment. So I remember these salads as they are fit for girls 🙂 And I prepared very similar salads with hazelnuts, and they were very good too. So as always – don’t be afraid to experiment and correct ingredients by your refrigerator or cupboard products.
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Bean salads with pickles and sausage
Again my refrigerator is empty, so I boiled some beans. Now for a few days we enjoy them with meat or vegetable stew, or with pasta, or just simply with fried onions and tomatoes. Today I decided to make this salads. I’ve made them before and it left good memories, so I guess it’s time to show them for you too. Today I made them with my proportions, so this is how I liked them most. We ate all four, and everyone liked them. Just to mention, I used some smoked ham and I really recommend to use it too. It gives strong but good taste.
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White beans, tomato and cucumber salads
They came out very refreshing, filling and fast. Even the kids liked it, and my son said that these salads are even better than normal (he almost every time says that the meal is just normal).
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Smoked chicken breast and broccoli salads
When my mother on the weekend told me about the salads that she tasted at work, I was sceptical. And when she decided to prepare it for us, I was afraid (our taste is very different). But I’m glad that she did it, because we liked it a lot. It’s better to say that grown ups liked it, because my kids didn’t like onion and broccoli. Mayonnaise doesn’t make these salads healthy but for a quick dinner they were very good.
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Pasta salad with grean peas and tomatoes
Very simple recipe. Parents like it because it’s really quick and kids like it because it’s delicious. Almost everyday I find myself thinking about how to encourage my kids to eat more veggies. These salads are one step closer to my wish. My kids didn’t even noticed chopped chives 🙂 I repeated this recipe several times and both times kids said the same – it’s really good!
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Pork medallions in Maggi Papyrus with healthy salads
Next to the pork medallions I served some healthy salads which I saw yesterday in one of my magazines. It was simple and almost everything was already in my refrigerator. We enjoyed them a lot, even my kids ate them (with some motivation – some candies in front of them, which were kids if they eat all salads). Me and my hubby agreed that these salads would be grate even without meat, because roasted sunflower seeds were so good in these salads. So we’ll be making them soon for sure again.
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Beet and tuna salads
One more salads that are very good in autumn or in winter or anytime while don’t have any fresh greens. You can mix everything in a bowl, but I think it’s beautiful and more quick to serve them layered in plates. The next day I prepared them without tuna, and they got a lot of compliments from my kids.
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Crispy coleslaw
For a few years I was looking for cabbage salads that my family enjoyed. And this is the one – I made them maybe 5 times or more. The secret I think is celery. Remember, we don’t like it, but this time I think it’s essential. So I want to remember these salads till the next autumn or winter and that’s why I add the recipe here – the safest place for the recipes I know 🙂
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Balsamic green bean salads
Spring is near so we should start cleaning our freezers. We love green beans and every year I prepare a lot of them for the winter. But almost always the best dish for me and my daughter is fried green beans with butter and bread crumbs. Until now! Maybe this delicious salads are very tasty just for me and my hubby, because dressing has a really strong taste. But kids also eat these salads, just amount is not very big 🙂
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Chinese chicken salads
These salads are so easy to prepare, that you just have to make them for your lunch in the office or for a light dinner. By the way, chicken breast boils very quickly – just boil water with seasonings, put chicken breast and boil for 10 minutes. And that’s all. So you see, even with chicken breast boiling these salads are super quickly made.
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Cauliflower and egg salads
Lately people started to switch potatoes with cauliflowers. I saw how people make “potato” mash from cauliflower, and then I saw “potato” salads with cauliflower. We like cauliflower, so why not to give it a try. I made them for lunch and you know – it was really nice to get message from my hubby “Thank you, it was really delicious”. So I opened my lunch box and tasted them – I really enjoyed them. The main thing – don’t over boil cauliflower, it should be a little bit crispy. And if you don’t like mayonnaise, you can use sour cream or natural yoghurt – I tried with them when I was out of mayo. Just you will need to add more seasonings, and maybe add a few drops of lemon juice or vinegar.
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Cucumber and eggs salads
This simple salads are from kids recipe book (only one of a huge amount). But they really suitable for parents, just double or triple the quantities. If your little one is like mine and doesn’t like salad leaves, cut them in small chunks – it worked for my kid and he ate and didn’t noticed them.
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Layered salads with minced meat
This salads are quick and easy to prepare. We made them a couple of times last year, and remembered this year too. Although salad photo in a plate is not so good, but it taste very good anyway 😉
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Baked chicken salads
Very delicious and satisfying salads. Especially we liked that bell pepper is baked not fresh. I prepared these salads not once and tried with iceberg salad, and with salads form our garden (salads, rucola, sorrel). Every time it was perfect! And depending on vegetables amount you can prepare this salads for 6 or for 3 people. It’s up to you 🙂
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Grainy curd and tomato salads
It’s almost summer so we could wait anymore for fresh vegetables from our own garden and started to by tomatoes, cucumbers and salads. Now we can eat salads for lunch and dinner. But I’m looking carefully to the future and seeking new ideas for great refreshing food. One of the findings is this salads. It looks very simple, but all ingredients are balanced and suits each other. And for the best it is so quickly prepared that you can make it for lunch – just chop vegetables in the morning and by some curd before going to the office. 😉
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Prawns salads
Perfect refreshing salads. You will prepare them in minutes and the taste will be grate, of course if you like prawns 🙂
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Crab sticks salad with tomato
In my family I guess only I eat these crab sticks. So while my kids were still sleeping and my hubby was already working, I tried some recipes with them. This recipe is very quick and easy. Especially tasty with homegrown tomatoes 😉 I enjoyed them on toasted pumpkin bread (that’s why my bread is so yellow). Hope you will like them too!
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Rice salads with tuna
Very simple salad which you can prepare in the morning for lunch. I think they are more autumn or spring salads, but when we need something to take to work for lunch – it’s perfect, even in the summer.
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Corn salads
This salads were prepared by my kids 🙂 And it’s simple but really goods. Tomatoes and cucumber gives freshness, and potatoes – satiety. My kids ate without onions, because they were the chefs 🙂 But for adults I recommend to add onion springs.
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Salads Herring bites
Simple but satisfying salads. I liked them a lot. My hubby said that he needs more moisture, but everything can be fixed by adding sour cream or mayonnaise to your taste.
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Layered cheese and beetroot salads
Very delicious salads. Sad that photo doesn’t present the real taste.
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Chicken and rice salads with curry
I decided to prepare something new for our already boring quick menu. This dish is very quick, if you do like me – boil chicken a day before. My hubby commended. I asked him maybe the dish is so good because almost all the week we ate what we had on hand? But he assured that no and ate almost everything, leaving just a few bites for my next day lunch… You can enjoy these salads and cold, and warm.
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Satisfying cheese and ham salads
Everyone was happy to eat them 🙂 Of course – it doesn’t contain onion or garlic, which my children don’t like. I did only a half of portion, but after a few minutes my hubby rolled up the sleeves and made these salads again just all by him self because it’s hard to narrate how he liked them 🙂 A lot of products have a strong taste, so I recommend you to substitute some mayonnaise with sour cream or natural yoghurt. And I say that you can have these salads in a blink 🙂
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Warm pasta salads with feta
The weather is getting cold so I was looking for the warm food, but I didn’t want anything heavy so I suggest you to try this pasta dish with vegetables. It’s satisfying but refreshing at the same time (because of tomatoes).
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Salads with cheese and garlic
It was real experiment 🙂 Till now we didn’t try salads with cheese. And the dressing is with raw egg. To feel more save, I poured over an egg boiling water and took it out only after a few seconds. Then when I poured prepared dressing over salads it looked too much of it, but when we mixed everything it was really good. So if you like garlic and new flavours – try this 🙂
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Potato salads with sour cream
I know that potatoes doesn’t sound very summery, but it’s quick and only that matters to me now. Just have to mention that I asked my hubby to boil potatoes and eggs while I was at work. 🙂
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Pasta and tuna salads
This is the first salad with pasta and also with tuna 🙂 Bet it was good, really good 🙂 We already made it for a few times. But next time I’ll put only half portion of celery because we discovered that my hubby doesn’t like it.
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