Vegetables | Family kitchen

Chanterelles with oven roasted potatoes
To tell the truth, this dish last year ate even my hubby! And agreed that it not only looks great, but taste the same way too. To bake potatoes in the oven takes time, so sometimes I change them with boiled potatoes. However, if you are not in hurry, you should really try to bake them in the oven. It is more tasty that way.
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Carrot and cottage cheese bake
Spring is here – calendar tells it, but outside is still cold. Anyway, my eyes automatically turns to warm colours. Carrots are full of warm orange colour and they are perfect for us today. In this bake, I used oat bran and it gave the bake a little bit grey colour. So if you want to make colour of the bake brighter – use semolina.
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Cottage cheese and boiled potato bake
Potatoes and cottage cheese – it’s always a great company. So why not to combine them in to a bake. It can be prepared within a few minutes. I found this recipe in Russian magazine about child-caring, but significantly changed by our observations: original recipe asks to slice the potatoes, but we prefer grated because it distributes better; original asks to pour more milk, we prefer the more eggs, and this bake comes out stronger. For us our experimentations came out super tasty. So, honestly, I urge you to try it too

Cottage cheese and zucchini bake
I make this bake with my first zucchini that grew in our garden. In my archive I didn’t find the recipe that I could follow, so I fantasized a little bit and make bake with cottage cheese and zucchini. My family enjoyed it a lot. And even when I baked it again, all disappeared in one sitting. So please, bake and enjoy it too!
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Broccoli with parmesan cheese
When I think about what to eat healthy and quick, I remember broccoli with cheese. I like it so much! Even my hubby agreed that it tastes good, but the smell… Please ingore it and don’t be scared because it taste good!
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Corn fritters
My kids just love corn. The first time I baked these fritter, they disappeared in a minute so there was nothing to photograph. Today I made some shots and only then invited kids to the table. And that was a good move, because fritters again disappeared in a minute. So if you or your kid like corn, I really recommend you to make them.
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Frittata with green beans and tomatoes
Frequently for breakfast we have simply baked eggs because it’s warm, quick and tasty. Even by daughter seeing us eating baked eggs tried and liked them. So now whole family eats baked eggs in the morning

Braised green peas with carrots
This recipe looks so simple, but we found it just this year. And it’s already in top of our favourite recipes. Maybe for someone there’s nothing new, but me and my hubby didn’t eat this dish in our childhood, so it’s new for us. Now when we need quick dinner or supper, we braise all frozen vegetables the same way, and always it comes out really very very delicious.
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Belarusian potato latkes
There are days when no egg are left in a refrigerator, and no one wants to go shopping. But this recipe comes to the rescue – these latkes are without egg. The taste doesn’t change from our ordinary potato latkes with eggs. So I add this recipe here that I didn’t forgot about this opportunity.
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Cabbage and minced meat bake
Rather healthy and satisfying dish for cabbage lovers. My family liked it a lot, but I have to warn you – from the portions in the recipe you will make a lot of it. So if you want just to try it – make from half of the recipe.
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Spanish omelet
This is our new best breakfast. We baked it I think even four times. And understood one thing – it’s really good with tomato and sour cream sauce. Maybe it would be great with green salads too, but this combination we will try only in the spring.
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Enchiladas with beetroot filling
Nice snack or light lunch. I prepared it long time ago, but when I remember mild taste of beetroot I feel good. And that’s why it deserves to be in my blog

Cauliflower and broccoli bake
This meal is for cauliflower lovers One of them is my little daughter. The other – me
The fact that my daughter ate this dish the next day too, shows that it is very delicious
Only I used only cauliflowers, but believe that with broccoli the taste would be great also.

Boiled potato pancakes with cabbage filling
Bored of eating potatoes and cabbages? Don’t know what to do with them? This is the solution I found yesterday on the internet. It’s a little bit time consuming, but it’s cheap. A day before a boiled potatoes and an egg, braised cabbage with onion. So the next day I had only to form pancakes and bake. My hubby was nicely surprised with the taste, and I – with the smell (I remember it from my childhood).
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Ratatouilletarte or mini pies with vegetables
These mini pies are very delicious and warm, and cold. I thought I will miss meat, but I didn’t. I thought to bring them to work for lunch, but I couldn’t because we ate them all for breakfast…
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Cauliflower bake with cottage cheese
At first when I saw this combination it looked a little bit weird. But then I thought that we all like cauliflowers, cottage cheese and cheese separately, so why not to try it all in one dish. My hubby was very happy He ate really a lot. Children also evaluated this dish very good.

Crepes stuffed with broccoli and cheese
I’m very excited when the recipe which I chose to prepare is admitted 110 percents. I wanted to make these crepes all week long, but all week I had no time to spend in the kitchen. And only this weekend the time has come I’m very glad that I made only half portion because if there were more than four crepes I couldn’t stop eating. The filling is so light, with the gentle taste of broccoli and very nice taste of cheese. My hubby said he wasn’t hungry but ate one crepe and was very excited
The next time I will not make our usual crepes with cheese filling, but give a little bit more time and make these crepes.

Boiled potatoes pancakes
Very easy, but tasty. Almost as always in my blog We all liked it. Also it’s cheap
. If you add some herbs, like dill or parsley, or add some meat and serve it with sour-cream – butter, tomato or mushroom sauce every time you will have the different dish.

Golden fish cakes
Quite easy fish cakes that you can make using ordinary products. Expecially good for using mashed potatoes leftovers. We don’t like fish very much, but this dish we liked even a lot Next to this fish cakes you’ll have to serve only salads. I also liked sprinkling these cakes with lemon juice.

Turkey meatballs with cabbage
Kids-friendly recipe but also very good for adults. I made it for several times and every time all family loved it.
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