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Pasta with corn
This dish is a winner for my kids! It’s very very quick and super simple. Even kids can prepare it. But I save it only for the time when I’m very tired or don’t want to stay in a kitchen for a long time. This dish is a little bit sweet because of the corn, maybe that’s why kids like it. But I have to warn you – make it only if you really like corn. My kids like pasta and corn so much that they even don’t notice that there is onion too 🙂
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Meatballs with a filling
Tender, soft and very very delicious. For me and my kids they were just perfect, and only my hubby said that they could be more firm. But I think it’s just a matter of taste 🙂 . I prepared them already two times and both times some of the meatballs split, but it had only difference for look, not for taste.
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Pasta with cheese and tomatoes sauce
Author: Aušra Date: 2013-04-30 This pasta is very warming because of the chilli pepper, so if you eat with your kids, be ready to hear that it’s hot. My kids said so, but ate anyway …
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Cottage cheese and potatoes dumplings
At first I just wanted to make photo and upload it to Mano But when my family tasted them, I understood that they are really good and they deserve to be posted here. I have tried to boil cottage cheese and potato dumplings without the recipe, bet they never tasted as good as these. I think the secret is good cottage cheese and potato proportions. So I really recommend to try this a little bit simplified version of dumplings.
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Spanish omelet
This is our new best breakfast. We baked it I think even four times. And understood one thing – it’s really good with tomato and sour cream sauce. Maybe it would be great with green salads too, but this combination we will try only in the spring.
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Chicken with cinnamon and paprika
Cinnamon always associates with Christmas. So when autumn comes, we all tend to bake apple pies which almost every time are seasoned with cinnamon. But this spice is used not only for sweets. With it you can really prepare very tasty and also healthy dishes. One of them – chicken with cinnamon and paprika. And even if you are not used to cinnamon in non sweet meals, I can say that in here it gives only a very mild aroma and a good pinch of bitterness and cosiness. And paprika has a lot of vitamin C, so it’s really good if you don’t want to get cold.
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Yeasted pancakes
Autumn is coming very fast, so in the morning I started to search for cozy warming food. These yeasted pancakes are one of that kind of food. These pancakes were my second contact with yeasts, maybe that’s why they associates with cozy food.
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Dumplings with scalded dough
It’s super easy but super good! I couldn”t imagine that I will like it so much. Before I tried this dough, dumplings at my house was really a guest. But now I prepare them with meat, curd or other chosen filling. My family likes it. I saw that Skanus gyvenimas prepared very similar dumpling dough but with eggs. I didn”t tried it yet, but sure it should taste even more better. But anyway, the recipe below gives very plastic, not sticking, unshrinkable dough. It”s a little bit like plasteline 🙂 And I just love it.
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Tortilla rolls with meat and beans
This dish was prepared very long time ago. I even thought to delete photos because I couldn’t find from which book I chose it. But accidentally this week I found it, so in hurry to put it in here. In spite I prepared this dish long time ago, I still remember that it is quick and very easy. So suits for quick dinner perfectly.
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Chicken Piccata
I adore lemon in all dishes, maybe except in yeasted buns 🙂 And I am very happy that my family feels the same. Long time ago I prepared chicken Piccata by Forelle recipe. This was also great, just there is sauce more and lemon more 🙂 I guess the best would be the combination of my and Forelle recipes – more sauce and lemon juice in moderation.
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Japanese chicken
Very delicious chicken. We prepared if a few times but it was very hard to take photos. The first time I overcooked the chicken but glaze was thicker. The second time I cooked less but the glaze was thin. So I think the best would be to cook chicken (not over cook), then take it out and cook liquid to prepare good glaze 🙂 Anyway, both times it was delicious supper for my family.
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Chicken in the cream and paprika sauce
One more easy and simple, as a lot of others, chicken dishes. I decided to try something new, because I”m a little bit tired to prepare chicken in a cream sauce and all the time overeat. This recipe is a little bit similar, just new seasons gives the new taste. And really don’t remember, we overate or didn’t 🙂
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Cottage cheese bake with vanilla pudding
We just love cottage cheese. But in the long time we were tired of the same cottage cheese bake. So when I found this recipe I knew I have to bake it – I have pudding mix packet bought long time ago. It is really a good way to use it. My kids loved it. And I prepared half of the recipe, but soon I had to repeat it 🙂
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Enchiladas with beetroot filling
Nice snack or light lunch. I prepared it long time ago, but when I remember mild taste of beetroot I feel good. And that’s why it deserves to be in my blog 🙂
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Chicken, marinated in a sweet chilli sauce
We love chicken, but it’s very hard to find good chicken marinade to bake it on the grill. And know I know that it’s not the fault of the recipes, it’s because we a lot of time overbake it. The last time we baked chicken on the grill I was walking around the grill and watched that no one overbaked it 🙂 I looked strange, but… what can we do if we want to taste food good 🙂
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Minced meat cakes with potatoes
This dish is very practical 🙂 It’s suitable for festive gatherings, because it doesn’t require a lot of time for preparing and everythings are baked at one time. All you need is only salads. We all agreed that we will prepare it again and again.
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Cauliflower and broccoli bake
This meal is for cauliflower lovers 🙂 One of them is my little daughter. The other – me 🙂 The fact that my daughter ate this dish the next day too, shows that it is very delicious 🙂 Only I used only cauliflowers, but believe that with broccoli the taste would be great also.
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Chicken, marinated in yoghurt
I looked for good chicken marinate for a long time. And when i finally tried this, I knew that this is what I was looking for. First time we baked on the grill chicken chunks on skewers and it was delicious. The next time I prepared chicken roasts and I think I over baked and the meat was a little bit too dry. But I know what I did wrong and the next time I will do everything good 🙂 And for sure I will prepare this marinate more than one more time.
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Chicken and rice stew with chanterelles
At first glance it seems that it is simple pilaf with chicken. But lemon and hot chilli sauce gives spicy taste to the dish. I prepared it already two times: first – without mushrooms, because my hubby was at home, the second – with mushrooms, because I was all alone 🙂 Both times it was delicious. Don’t know about other kids, by mine don’t like spicy dishes, so I didn’t even asked to taste 🙂
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Brinza cheese bake
When I saw brinza in a store, I bought it without thinking. But it rested in a fridge for a while. Then I searched my recipe archive and found one recipe with this cheese. So I prepared this dish the same day. My hubby liked it, even a lot 🙂 Children ate a lot too, so I think they liked it too. The taste reminded us stewed curd lasybones, which we like the same as marmots 🙂 The next day I sliced left overs and fried with a little bit butter in a pan. Kids liked it too. So I think this recipe has full right to be in my blog 🙂
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Minced meat and feta bake
I think this is the last recipe with pasta for some time. Now I’ll take a break from pasta because now we eat a lot of salads, barbecued meat and everything we find in the freezer. Of course when autumn will be near, we gonna need warming and satisfying food, so pasta will be back. Some words about the recipe. It’s satisfying and good, and simple. Unfortunately I had only one third of cheese, but it didn’t ruined the taste.
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Pasta Puttanesca
Quick and easy dish. That’s what I need for supper. I liked that there is no cheese. But I don’t know about my hubby. He is the cheese lover, but eating this dish he didn’t mentioned cheese. So I don’t know he was satisfied with the meal or just tired repeating that he needs cheese 🙂 Any way – the dish is good and classic.
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Pasta with olives
One more easy and quick pasta recipe. If you like olives, this dish will be definitely in your favourite list. Sometimes, when I prepare some new dish – everyone in my family likes it, but when I repeat it – the second time we don’t. Maybe it happens to you to? But this time, when I prepared this pasta again, my hubbies decision was the same – absolutely winner.
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Pasta with tomato cream sauce
I know this photo is not good, but the taste of pasta with this sauce is perfect. It’s mild, it’s creamy and it’s super easy and super quick. Try after a long hard working day!
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Sesame chicken with garlic sauce
Easily prepared chicken with a mild taste of sesame. My family liked it. Just don’t make mistake like me – don’t fry chicken on a very high heat – it burns very quickly 🙂 But chicken was good – baked but not overbaked, tender and juicy. And the garlic sauce is very easy, but my hubby liked it a lot 🙂 As always in my family – the easier the dish, the better my family evaluates it.
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Russian pancake baked in an oven
The first pancake that baked out grate. Others that I’ve tries were some how not good – too much milk, or too much berries. But this time pancake was fluffy, and tender. Only next time I’ll try to bake it in a larger form, because this time it came out very thick and that’s why taste was like curd bake but without curd 🙂 But it’s tasty, easy and quick. And you don’t have to stand near the pan.
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Meat balls with brown sauce
Meat balls just melts in your mouth. Very very tasty! Just if you gonna use soy sauce, be careful with salt.
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Pizza dough with baking powders
This pizza dough is for those who always don’t have time to prepare pizza dough with yeast. It helped me several times, when I suddenly understood that I want pizza for Friday night and there was no pizza dough with yeast frozen in a freezer. My family liked it also and I’m very happy about that 🙂
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Boiled potato pancakes with cabbage filling
Bored of eating potatoes and cabbages? Don’t know what to do with them? This is the solution I found yesterday on the internet. It’s a little bit time consuming, but it’s cheap. A day before a boiled potatoes and an egg, braised cabbage with onion. So the next day I had only to form pancakes and bake. My hubby was nicely surprised with the taste, and I – with the smell (I remember it from my childhood).
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Navy pork
It’s pork braised in home made tomato sauce. I prepared this already two times. The first time I cut pork in thicker chunks, the second – in thinner. My hubby said that the second time was better. By the way, be careful with seasoning – when tomato liquid evaporates, the taste becomes stronger.
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Crepes rolls with minced meat
Loved from the first bite 🙂 Especially liked it my hubby – he’s the spicy food lover. For the children I didn’t even let them to taste 🙂 Not because of jealousy, just they still love mild tastes.
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Chicken breast coated with polenta
I wanted something new, not usual to us. So I prepared this chicken and I’m happy about that. At first the process looked very difficult and long, but in one hour everything was finished and we could enjoy the meal.
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Pizza dough, prepared in bread machine
We’re getting used to make pizza every weekend. Maybe because I prepare pizza dough in bread machine and freeze for later use. So when friday comes, I take one pizza dough ball from the freezer and put it in the fridge. Next day I just have to stretch it out and put all the leftovers from the fridge. But it’s an other story 🙂
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Crepes with ham and cheese
It’s easy and quick dinner. I’ve tried to make crepes with ham and cheese filling before, but I missed something. And when I tried this recipe I understood, that this is it I was looking for. And the secret ingredient to success is mayonnaise.
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Ratatouilletarte or mini pies with vegetables
These mini pies are very delicious and warm, and cold. I thought I will miss meat, but I didn’t. I thought to bring them to work for lunch, but I couldn’t because we ate them all for breakfast…
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