Non alcoholic drinks | Family kitchen

Strawberry smoothie with quinoa
I do not know how it is in your family, but in mine quinoa didn’t find its way to our stomach. On the other hand, I should say, until now. Because no recipes that I have tried before were enjoyed, and this smoothie was gone quicker than I said “It’s with quinoa”. So the next day I made it again, and ask if anyone wants to drink it, and both kids shouted “YES!!!”. Therefore, you understand why I add this smoothie recipe here
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Chocolate banana shake
One more healthy recipe that I found in books about healthy living. It’s without diary products – that was one good point for me. Another thing – it’s with flaxseed. I’m trying to use them more in our daily family diet. So I almost ran to the kitchen and mixed it. I really recommend to let soak flaxseed meal in water for a few minutes, or your shake will be with hard small parts. But if you will be patient – shake will be very thick and creamy.
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Brazilian coffee with cocoa
Weekend is a perfect time for relaxing with this sweet and delightful drink. I say it’s almost dessert. So if you like coffee and cocoa, give this drink a try.
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Coffee for weekend preasure
It was the last day of my vocations… And coffee was running out… So I decided that the last cup of coffee has to be delicious and started to look for a good recipe. And found it 😉 It is simple, quick and all ingredients were at my hand. I’d like to make it today again, but… there’s no coffee at home. But weekend is beginning and I will make some good treats for my whole family anyway. But you can try this coffee 🙂
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Raw banana and peanut butter smoothie
When I saw this recipe, I knew – I will do it because I had all ingredients by the hand, even almond milk. And I can say that this is more dessert than smoothie, because it’s very dense. It was perfect for my hubby, who hates cow milk, and this smoothie he liked very very much. I think you can try cow milk instead of almond, but it won’t be raw 😉
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Cherry smoothie
Light, refreshing and easy 🙂 Those who hate milk will adore it 🙂 One of them is my hubby, so he drank two glasses 🙂 Cherry season just starting, so try this smoothie!
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Strawberry Milk
This drink now is number one for my kids! When I ask do they want strawberry milk, every time they start to jump shouting “YES! YES! YES!”, and then drinking adds “Tastiness!” 🙂 So this is how small efforts give big joy for kids. And this is really simple just strawberry syrup with milk. But very effective! Really 🙂
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Raspberries and yoghurt smoothie
Summer drink, which will be very refreshing if you will use frozen bananas. But if you also use frozen berries, you’ll get soft ice cream 🙂 Of course, if you wait a little bit, they will transport to tasty cocktail 🙂 By the way, I thought that I have raspberries, but it appeared that I have red berries mix. But anyway, drink was very good 🙂
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Chocolate peanut butter smoothie
When I want something sweet but healthy at the same time – I blend smoothies. My kids adore them 🙂 Maybe that’s why all the time I keep a few frozen bananas in the fridge.
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Wild strawberries with sour milk
Quick and easy drink or dessert. I made it for kids and they liked it a lot. It’s a pity that these berries were the last in our garden.
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Strawberry milkshake
Easy and quick milkshake to remember summer. I’m very sad that it ended so quickly. Hope the autumn will be sunny and with lots of dry yellow leaves.
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Purple lemonade
I was always interested in how children make lemonade that I saw in the old american movies. So I was very eager to try to make it by myself. And we still have some berries in our garden, so I made this lemonade. The result was very refreshing. Just it was too strong for us, so when we watered-down in half-and-half we got very light dring with a mild taste of lemon and black currants.
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