Vegan | Family kitchen

Chanterelles with oven roasted potatoes
To tell the truth, this dish last year ate even my hubby! And agreed that it not only looks great, but taste the same way too. To bake potatoes in the oven takes time, so sometimes I change them with boiled potatoes. However, if you are not in hurry, you should really try to bake them in the oven. It is more tasty that way.
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White beans and dried tomato salads
Once I made these salads and it was something new. Maybe it tasted not so usual to us, but it was really good. And now I made these salads for four times and they still disappear very quickly. So I save the recipe here and recommend to try them you too.
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Strawberry smoothie with quinoa
I do not know how it is in your family, but in mine quinoa didn’t find its way to our stomach. On the other hand, I should say, until now. Because no recipes that I have tried before were enjoyed, and this smoothie was gone quicker than I said “It’s with quinoa”. So the next day I made it again, and ask if anyone wants to drink it, and both kids shouted “YES!!!”. Therefore, you understand why I add this smoothie recipe here
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Raw buckwheat and sunflower porrigde with fruits
Let’s start this new year eating healty! Especially when it does not requires a lot of effort, it should not be difficult to prepare it. I really wanted to try raw buckwheat, and when I bought them for long time I could not decided what to do with them. When accedentally I discovered this recipe, quickly it was prepared for breakfast. And yes, at first you will be tired of chewing it, but I think it’s good because you will have to make time for eating. You can not put quickly this porridge in your stomach and go, you will have to sit, chew and think about your life – it takes time. Fruits can chosen according to your taste, but I like the kiwi and ginger combination and ripe bananas provide enough sweetness, so for me it has enough sweetness even without honey or agave syrup. But you can always choose your favourite fruits and adjust sweetness by your taste buds.
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White beans, tomato and cucumber salads
They came out very refreshing, filling and fast. Even the kids liked it, and my son said that these salads are even better than normal (he almost every time says that the meal is just normal).
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Ground flax seed porridge
Lately, if we have bananas, I always make flax seed porridge. I like it very much. And if I add chopped fruits that are at the moment at home, and sprinkle with chopped toasted nuts – porridge comes out unreal! All my family enjoy this porridge, even the smallest and the largest. And I just love the fact that it is healthy and useful, and tasty.
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Banana granola sugar-free and oil-free
nother name of this granola should be “It can’t be more healthy” 🙂 Now almost every sweet is too sweet for me, that’s why I liked this granola – it has only a mild sweetness. But making this granola you should use really overripe banana.
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Pasta salad with grean peas and tomatoes
Very simple recipe. Parents like it because it’s really quick and kids like it because it’s delicious. Almost everyday I find myself thinking about how to encourage my kids to eat more veggies. These salads are one step closer to my wish. My kids didn’t even noticed chopped chives 🙂 I repeated this recipe several times and both times kids said the same – it’s really good!
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Chocolate banana shake
One more healthy recipe that I found in books about healthy living. It’s without diary products – that was one good point for me. Another thing – it’s with flaxseed. I’m trying to use them more in our daily family diet. So I almost ran to the kitchen and mixed it. I really recommend to let soak flaxseed meal in water for a few minutes, or your shake will be with hard small parts. But if you will be patient – shake will be very thick and creamy.
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Belarusian potato latkes
There are days when no egg are left in a refrigerator, and no one wants to go shopping. But this recipe comes to the rescue – these latkes are without egg. The taste doesn’t change from our ordinary potato latkes with eggs. So I add this recipe here that I didn’t forgot about this opportunity.
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Pasta with corn
This dish is a winner for my kids! It’s very very quick and super simple. Even kids can prepare it. But I save it only for the time when I’m very tired or don’t want to stay in a kitchen for a long time. This dish is a little bit sweet because of the corn, maybe that’s why kids like it. But I have to warn you – make it only if you really like corn. My kids like pasta and corn so much that they even don’t notice that there is onion too 🙂
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Raw banana and peanut butter smoothie
When I saw this recipe, I knew – I will do it because I had all ingredients by the hand, even almond milk. And I can say that this is more dessert than smoothie, because it’s very dense. It was perfect for my hubby, who hates cow milk, and this smoothie he liked very very much. I think you can try cow milk instead of almond, but it won’t be raw 😉
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Cherry smoothie
Light, refreshing and easy 🙂 Those who hate milk will adore it 🙂 One of them is my hubby, so he drank two glasses 🙂 Cherry season just starting, so try this smoothie!
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White beans soup
Simple things are good things 🙂 I can’t argue with this. This soup is perfect for warming after cold day. Products are simple and almost all are in our fridge or pantry. Just don’t forget to boil beans a day before and you’ll prepare this soup very quickly.
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Dried fruits candy
Someone said that Sesame candies are very healthy 🙂 But they were wrong! These candies are really super healthy because they don”t need sugar – everything in them is natural (except coating). With the hubby we decided that next time we will make these candies smaller (about 10 cents diameter) and coat with melted chocolade.
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