Autumn | Family kitchen

Chanterelles with oven roasted potatoes
To tell the truth, this dish last year ate even my hubby! And agreed that it not only looks great, but taste the same way too. To bake potatoes in the oven takes time, so sometimes I change them with boiled potatoes. However, if you are not in hurry, you should really try to bake them in the oven. It is more tasty that way.
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Hearts and carrot stew
If the past time was a healthy recipe, now it’s the cheap one. After all, you need to have all kinds of options. I made this stew for three times because we couldn’t decided we like it or not. The second time I made it, carrots had too strong taste and we didn’t like it. So choose young, crisp and tasty carrots and everything will be fine. Our children do not eat this sort of misunderstandings , so me and my hubby enjoyed it for lunch. And the last time it was so delicious that we ate more than we should. 🙂
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Beetroot, cashew and feta salads
Don’t know why but this autumn I’m hooked on beetroots. Every weekend I boil some beetroots and through the week I incorporate them in our dishes. And then story repeats. When I wanted for dinner something light, I prepared these salads. By the way, this recipe in the book is called carpaccio, but I think it’s more salads, and the name is more usual and not so fancy 🙂 . Family girls enjoy them, the big boy ate them and just said that more balsamic vinegar would be better, and the little boy as always, prepared some theater and then ate them, just without enjoyment. So I remember these salads as they are fit for girls 🙂 And I prepared very similar salads with hazelnuts, and they were very good too. So as always – don’t be afraid to experiment and correct ingredients by your refrigerator or cupboard products.
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Pork medallions in Maggi Papyrus with healthy salads
Next to the pork medallions I served some healthy salads which I saw yesterday in one of my magazines. It was simple and almost everything was already in my refrigerator. We enjoyed them a lot, even my kids ate them (with some motivation – some candies in front of them, which were kids if they eat all salads). Me and my hubby agreed that these salads would be grate even without meat, because roasted sunflower seeds were so good in these salads. So we’ll be making them soon for sure again.
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Minced pork and green beans stew in whole grain pita
This stew is very simple and cassual. Here pitas are as turbo feature 🙂 But they are not necessary. Just we love them and time after time I bake them. Next time we will make some yoghurt sauce with seasoning. Then the dish would be perfect. And this time we thought about the sauce only in the end.
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Minced meat and cabbage pie with curry and apples
This pie may look strange at first, but we tried it twice and we liked it. Apples gives sweet and Tabasco – spicy tastes. And this pie doesn’t require eggs, so the filling is not so solid but it’s not crumbly also. I and my son liked the pie crust – it’s with whole wheat flour, so it crumbles a little bit more than usual with only white wheat flour, but it has some charm in it.
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Braised green peas with carrots
This recipe looks so simple, but we found it just this year. And it’s already in top of our favourite recipes. Maybe for someone there’s nothing new, but me and my hubby didn’t eat this dish in our childhood, so it’s new for us. Now when we need quick dinner or supper, we braise all frozen vegetables the same way, and always it comes out really very very delicious.
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Beet and tuna salads
One more salads that are very good in autumn or in winter or anytime while don’t have any fresh greens. You can mix everything in a bowl, but I think it’s beautiful and more quick to serve them layered in plates. The next day I prepared them without tuna, and they got a lot of compliments from my kids.
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Crispy coleslaw
For a few years I was looking for cabbage salads that my family enjoyed. And this is the one – I made them maybe 5 times or more. The secret I think is celery. Remember, we don’t like it, but this time I think it’s essential. So I want to remember these salads till the next autumn or winter and that’s why I add the recipe here – the safest place for the recipes I know 🙂
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Chicken breast with homemade tomato sauce
Sometimes even when at home there is only a few products, you still can prepare satisfying meal. For this one you only need to buy canned tomatoes and chicken breast, other products – I guest almost everyone have at home. But I have to tell you this time you will have to spend some time preparing tomato sauce, but it’s worth that. I like it even more than store bought. But my kids don’t agree with me 🙂 But everyone has the right to choose.
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Belarusian potato latkes
There are days when no egg are left in a refrigerator, and no one wants to go shopping. But this recipe comes to the rescue – these latkes are without egg. The taste doesn’t change from our ordinary potato latkes with eggs. So I add this recipe here that I didn’t forgot about this opportunity.
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Pillaf from Rustam
This is my favourite pillaf recipe. After I found it I don’t seek any new anymore. I like it because it doesn’t use tomato sauce or ketchup, because real tomatoes are used. But if you like ketchup, you can use it anyway. Sometimes I adapt recipe for my hubby and add only small carrot, sometimes I don’t add bell pepper at all. But sometimes I do everything by recipe, because I think proportions given are just perfect.
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Balsamic green bean salads
Spring is near so we should start cleaning our freezers. We love green beans and every year I prepare a lot of them for the winter. But almost always the best dish for me and my daughter is fried green beans with butter and bread crumbs. Until now! Maybe this delicious salads are very tasty just for me and my hubby, because dressing has a really strong taste. But kids also eat these salads, just amount is not very big 🙂
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Cabbage and minced meat bake
Rather healthy and satisfying dish for cabbage lovers. My family liked it a lot, but I have to warn you – from the portions in the recipe you will make a lot of it. So if you want just to try it – make from half of the recipe.
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Chocolate cake with apples
This recipe waited for a year because last year somehow I was late – apples were gone, and I didn’t want to buy them. So this year this is my first (and the only) apple cake. And it was a really good cake! I baked only half of the recipe, but I got only one slice – my kids ate almost half of it at once. I could treat my parents only with the small slices… The cake is very moist and in reality it looks better than in the book. And I won’t judge my photos 🙂
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Swirl Pumpkin Brownies
Yes, I still have pumpkin puree 🙂 And this time it’s not so healthy but very chocolate brownie. It’s really easy, just I baked 10 minutes more. The next time, I will bake only 5 minutes more. And also, when I baked it second time I used less sugar, and my big girl tasted that. My hubby also agreed that brownie second time was not so good as the first time. So the third time I won’t change anything – these proportions are really perfect!
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Lemon pumpkin soup
This is one of the old recipes, but it was waiting to show here because of tiredness or laziness. Don’t know which would be correct word 🙂 But we liked it so it’s time for soup to show up here. Its sourness was fabulous so for sure we will repeat it when fresh pumpkin will be at my home again.
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Swirled pumpkin cream cheese cake
It looks like simple ordinary pumpkin cake, but special taste gives cream cheese. It takes cake to another level 🙂
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Pumpkin blondies with chocolate and pecans
It was the first time when cake dissapeared so quickly. And even more – almost everyone asked for the recipe. 🙂 I was really pleased. So I write down here the recipe without a queue (in the queue there are five more recipes).
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Pasta Puttanesca
Quick and easy dish. That’s what I need for supper. I liked that there is no cheese. But I don’t know about my hubby. He is the cheese lover, but eating this dish he didn’t mentioned cheese. So I don’t know he was satisfied with the meal or just tired repeating that he needs cheese 🙂 Any way – the dish is good and classic.
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Boiled potato pancakes with cabbage filling
Bored of eating potatoes and cabbages? Don’t know what to do with them? This is the solution I found yesterday on the internet. It’s a little bit time consuming, but it’s cheap. A day before a boiled potatoes and an egg, braised cabbage with onion. So the next day I had only to form pancakes and bake. My hubby was nicely surprised with the taste, and I – with the smell (I remember it from my childhood).
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Salads Herring bites
Simple but satisfying salads. I liked them a lot. My hubby said that he needs more moisture, but everything can be fixed by adding sour cream or mayonnaise to your taste.
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White beans soup
Simple things are good things 🙂 I can’t argue with this. This soup is perfect for warming after cold day. Products are simple and almost all are in our fridge or pantry. Just don’t forget to boil beans a day before and you’ll prepare this soup very quickly.
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Layered cheese and beetroot salads
Very delicious salads. Sad that photo doesn’t present the real taste.
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Ratatouilletarte or mini pies with vegetables
These mini pies are very delicious and warm, and cold. I thought I will miss meat, but I didn’t. I thought to bring them to work for lunch, but I couldn’t because we ate them all for breakfast…
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Beetroot soup with minced meat
Easy but substantial soup. Because of vinegar you can feel mild sourness, so you better pour vinegar not by milliliters but by your taste. And I can say one more thing – I’ve tasted delicious soup like this long time ago.
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Potato salads with sour cream
I know that potatoes doesn’t sound very summery, but it’s quick and only that matters to me now. Just have to mention that I asked my hubby to boil potatoes and eggs while I was at work. 🙂
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Rice cakes with vegetables
Last weekend, while my children were sleeping in the afternoon, I wanted to bake something sweet. But I was angry at my self, because I didn’t know what can I bake. So I started to browse in my computer looking for something suitable. And I saw these cakes. I decided to make them. I know, that they’re not sweet, but I had everything they needed in my fridge. I just didn’t make baskets out of rice, just did two layer cakes. And they tasted very good. At first I was afraid that my hubby will miss meat in them, but I was wrong 🙂
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Boiled potatoes pancakes
Very easy, but tasty. Almost as always in my blog 🙂 We all liked it. Also it’s cheap 🙂 . If you add some herbs, like dill or parsley, or add some meat and serve it with sour-cream – butter, tomato or mushroom sauce every time you will have the different dish.
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Potato bread
At last I found bread that my hubby really enjoyed eating it 🙂 Yeah… For long time I baked only bread without the crust. But now I have big hopes that we will make a break with it and start baking this potato bread. By the way, the taste of this bread is slightly similar to “švilpikai” 🙂
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Layered curd and bread dessert
One more delicious thing from ordinary products. It’s not very sweet but that’s what we need after holidays 🙂 Also it’s very good for using up stale bread. To tell the truth neither I or my husband expected that it will be so delicious. Kids liked it too. When we tasted this dessert at the same day, the bread crumbs were very crunchy, the next day – they became soft, but both days it was real pleasure to eat it.
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Pumpkin cheesecake
Fantastic cheesecake, everyone liked it and my hubby just loved it. But also very solid, so you can have only one piece of this cake and this will be enough.
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Mini pie with pumpkin and prunes
These mini pies are very good way to use pumpkin or pumpkin puree. I and my hubby like them very much, but the kids do not. My mother asked to bake them because she wanted to take them to her work and that is the best proof to me that they taste great 🙂
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Potato and leek soup
It is getting cold. And when it”s cold, we need something warm. So I thought about thick soup. This recipe I chose because I had leek that was sadly looking at me from the fridge, and other ingredients I had on hand. And preperation like almost in all my recipes – easy and quick. But when I tasted this soup I understood that there is something really special – I liked the thyme very very much. Even my hubby agreed with me. So this soup was added to our favourite soup recipes.
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Spaghetti with chicken
One more quick and delicious dinner. I do no know why this recipe is not in this blog yet. We found it long time ago and we tried it many times.
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