All by seasons | Family kitchen

Lemon pumpkin soup
This is one of the old recipes, but it was waiting to show here because of tiredness or laziness. Don’t know which would be correct word 🙂 But we liked it so it’s time for soup to show up here. Its sourness was fabulous so for sure we will repeat it when fresh pumpkin will be at my home again.
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Swirled pumpkin cream cheese cake
It looks like simple ordinary pumpkin cake, but special taste gives cream cheese. It takes cake to another level 🙂
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Chicken, marinated in a sweet chilli sauce
We love chicken, but it’s very hard to find good chicken marinade to bake it on the grill. And know I know that it’s not the fault of the recipes, it’s because we a lot of time overbake it. The last time we baked chicken on the grill I was walking around the grill and watched that no one overbaked it 🙂 I looked strange, but… what can we do if we want to taste food good 🙂
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Corn salads
This salads were prepared by my kids 🙂 And it’s simple but really goods. Tomatoes and cucumber gives freshness, and potatoes – satiety. My kids ate without onions, because they were the chefs 🙂 But for adults I recommend to add onion springs.
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Pie with chanterelles
When I got some chanterelles, I decided to bake this year something new. And because I know how convenient to take non-sweet pies for lunch at work, I chose this recipe. Only in original recipe says to use more salt then I usually need, so I give here already corrected recipe.
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Cheesecake with almonds and blueberries
This cake is really simple. Only the base is very crumbly. Next time I will add a little bit more butter. But… maybe it”s because I used not oat cookies but shortbread cookies. My hubbe even frightened me – took one bite and moved plate toward me… The first thought – he didn”t like it. BUT I was very happy when he asked to put MORE! 🙂
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Pumpkin blondies with chocolate and pecans
It was the first time when cake dissapeared so quickly. And even more – almost everyone asked for the recipe. 🙂 I was really pleased. So I write down here the recipe without a queue (in the queue there are five more recipes).
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Fruit and cottage cheese dessert Softness
Refreshing and easy dessert with the last strawberries. To say the truth, I prepared double portion so I had to use wild strawberries too in companion with strawberries. Definitely I will prepare this dessert with other berries or fruits. This recipe is from my children recipe archive. So if you add mild and sweet fruit, you can surely sweeten kids stomach. Just I really recommend to chill before serving – because then cream becomes stronger.
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Pasta Puttanesca
Quick and easy dish. That’s what I need for supper. I liked that there is no cheese. But I don’t know about my hubby. He is the cheese lover, but eating this dish he didn’t mentioned cheese. So I don’t know he was satisfied with the meal or just tired repeating that he needs cheese 🙂 Any way – the dish is good and classic.
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Meat balls with brown sauce
Meat balls just melts in your mouth. Very very tasty! Just if you gonna use soy sauce, be careful with salt.
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Boiled potato pancakes with cabbage filling
Bored of eating potatoes and cabbages? Don’t know what to do with them? This is the solution I found yesterday on the internet. It’s a little bit time consuming, but it’s cheap. A day before a boiled potatoes and an egg, braised cabbage with onion. So the next day I had only to form pancakes and bake. My hubby was nicely surprised with the taste, and I – with the smell (I remember it from my childhood).
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Salads Herring bites
Simple but satisfying salads. I liked them a lot. My hubby said that he needs more moisture, but everything can be fixed by adding sour cream or mayonnaise to your taste.
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White beans soup
Simple things are good things 🙂 I can’t argue with this. This soup is perfect for warming after cold day. Products are simple and almost all are in our fridge or pantry. Just don’t forget to boil beans a day before and you’ll prepare this soup very quickly.
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Layered cheese and beetroot salads
Very delicious salads. Sad that photo doesn’t present the real taste.
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Chicken and rice salads with curry
I decided to prepare something new for our already boring quick menu. This dish is very quick, if you do like me – boil chicken a day before. My hubby commended. I asked him maybe the dish is so good because almost all the week we ate what we had on hand? But he assured that no and ate almost everything, leaving just a few bites for my next day lunch… You can enjoy these salads and cold, and warm.
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Ratatouilletarte or mini pies with vegetables
These mini pies are very delicious and warm, and cold. I thought I will miss meat, but I didn’t. I thought to bring them to work for lunch, but I couldn’t because we ate them all for breakfast…
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Warm pasta salads with feta
The weather is getting cold so I was looking for the warm food, but I didn’t want anything heavy so I suggest you to try this pasta dish with vegetables. It’s satisfying but refreshing at the same time (because of tomatoes).
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Beetroot soup with minced meat
Easy but substantial soup. Because of vinegar you can feel mild sourness, so you better pour vinegar not by milliliters but by your taste. And I can say one more thing – I’ve tasted delicious soup like this long time ago.
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Salads with cheese and garlic
It was real experiment 🙂 Till now we didn’t try salads with cheese. And the dressing is with raw egg. To feel more save, I poured over an egg boiling water and took it out only after a few seconds. Then when I poured prepared dressing over salads it looked too much of it, but when we mixed everything it was really good. So if you like garlic and new flavours – try this 🙂
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Strawberry milkshake
Easy and quick milkshake to remember summer. I’m very sad that it ended so quickly. Hope the autumn will be sunny and with lots of dry yellow leaves.
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Chili con carne
Mexican minced meat and bean chilli. Can be prepared very quickly. We were afraid that beans will blanket out other ingredients, but we were wrong and I am glad about that. We wanted something hot, and we got it 🙂
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Potato salads with sour cream
I know that potatoes doesn’t sound very summery, but it’s quick and only that matters to me now. Just have to mention that I asked my hubby to boil potatoes and eggs while I was at work. 🙂
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Cauliflower bake with cottage cheese
At first when I saw this combination it looked a little bit weird. But then I thought that we all like cauliflowers, cottage cheese and cheese separately, so why not to try it all in one dish. My hubby was very happy 🙂 He ate really a lot. Children also evaluated this dish very good.
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Cherry coffee cake with cinnamon
One day I had a strong feeling that I just have to bake something for my co-workers. So I told my hubby that he has to look after our children till they get asleep and went to the kitchen. We tasted this coffee cake the next day. And it tasted very good, so until lunch the coffee cake was gone.
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Rice cakes with vegetables
Last weekend, while my children were sleeping in the afternoon, I wanted to bake something sweet. But I was angry at my self, because I didn’t know what can I bake. So I started to browse in my computer looking for something suitable. And I saw these cakes. I decided to make them. I know, that they’re not sweet, but I had everything they needed in my fridge. I just didn’t make baskets out of rice, just did two layer cakes. And they tasted very good. At first I was afraid that my hubby will miss meat in them, but I was wrong 🙂
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Crepes stuffed with broccoli and cheese
I’m very excited when the recipe which I chose to prepare is admitted 110 percents. I wanted to make these crepes all week long, but all week I had no time to spend in the kitchen. And only this weekend the time has come 🙂 I’m very glad that I made only half portion because if there were more than four crepes I couldn’t stop eating. The filling is so light, with the gentle taste of broccoli and very nice taste of cheese. My hubby said he wasn’t hungry but ate one crepe and was very excited 🙂 The next time I will not make our usual crepes with cheese filling, but give a little bit more time and make these crepes.
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Boiled potatoes pancakes
Very easy, but tasty. Almost as always in my blog 🙂 We all liked it. Also it’s cheap 🙂 . If you add some herbs, like dill or parsley, or add some meat and serve it with sour-cream – butter, tomato or mushroom sauce every time you will have the different dish.
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Cherry cake with chocolate
I bookmarked this recipe long ago. And this week everyday after work I thought to bake it, but… This weekend I said “now or never” and I’m happy to say that it was “now”. I baked it from half portion and made a mistake. When my hubby tasted it he said “I my God, you’ll have to bake it again”. The little one was crying near the empty plate pleasing for more 🙁 Good to know that I still have some cherries in the freezer, so they won’t have to wait very long 🙂
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Chicken and buckwheat stew
Sad, but true… I have to go to work again… After more than two years of vacations. But let’s look at everything from another point of view – I have to think what to take to work for lunch and what to prepare for very quick dinner. Also from now on I can bake more sweets because to drink coffee gathers many girls 🙂 But let’s talk about this dish. I boiled buckwheats yesterday, so today I made everything in 15 minutes. You can call this dish stew or cereal with chicken 🙂 We’re not used to eat buckwheats with meat, but this new taste was good 🙂 Just my hubby wanted grated cheese on top and maybe some chili 🙂
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Dried fruits candy
Someone said that Sesame candies are very healthy 🙂 But they were wrong! These candies are really super healthy because they don”t need sugar – everything in them is natural (except coating). With the hubby we decided that next time we will make these candies smaller (about 10 cents diameter) and coat with melted chocolade.
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Potato bread
At last I found bread that my hubby really enjoyed eating it 🙂 Yeah… For long time I baked only bread without the crust. But now I have big hopes that we will make a break with it and start baking this potato bread. By the way, the taste of this bread is slightly similar to “švilpikai” 🙂
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Buns with bacon
We don’t eat smoked bacon with onions and bread often, just sometimes 🙂 But after visiting family in farm we got a big cut of smoked bacon. So I baked buns with bacon. I just love them, but my hubby don’t. Anyway, I baked and froze a lot of buns, so now I have snack or breakfast for a long time:)
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