All by seasons | Family kitchen

Chanterelles with oven roasted potatoes
To tell the truth, this dish last year ate even my hubby! And agreed that it not only looks great, but taste the same way too. To bake potatoes in the oven takes time, so sometimes I change them with boiled potatoes. However, if you are not in hurry, you should really try to bake them in the oven. It is more tasty that way.
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Peach and blueberry dessert
My family just loved it! Hubby said it’s even better than ice cream. So my time in the kitchen was worth it!
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White beans and dried tomato salads
Once I made these salads and it was something new. Maybe it tasted not so usual to us, but it was really good. And now I made these salads for four times and they still disappear very quickly. So I save the recipe here and recommend to try them you too.
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Cottage cheese and boiled potato bake
Potatoes and cottage cheese – it’s always a great company. So why not to combine them in to a bake. It can be prepared within a few minutes. I found this recipe in Russian magazine about child-caring, but significantly changed by our observations: original recipe asks to slice the potatoes, but we prefer grated because it distributes better; original asks to pour more milk, we prefer the more eggs, and this bake comes out stronger. For us our experimentations came out super tasty. So, honestly, I urge you to try it too 😉
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Strawberry smoothie with quinoa
I do not know how it is in your family, but in mine quinoa didn’t find its way to our stomach. On the other hand, I should say, until now. Because no recipes that I have tried before were enjoyed, and this smoothie was gone quicker than I said “It’s with quinoa”. So the next day I made it again, and ask if anyone wants to drink it, and both kids shouted “YES!!!”. Therefore, you understand why I add this smoothie recipe here
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Pumpkin granola with chocolate chunks
Usually I make granola in summer, when it’s hot outside and no one wants to eat porridge. But when last week I tried new recipe for granola bars and I had only crumbs, my kids ate it just like usual granola for breakfast. And then they asked to make more granola. So I make my favourite at this moment granola. Kids’ favourite granola will have to wait a little bit. They enjoy this granola too, just for them I had to add chocolate with more sugar.
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Hearts and carrot stew
If the past time was a healthy recipe, now it’s the cheap one. After all, you need to have all kinds of options. I made this stew for three times because we couldn’t decided we like it or not. The second time I made it, carrots had too strong taste and we didn’t like it. So choose young, crisp and tasty carrots and everything will be fine. Our children do not eat this sort of misunderstandings , so me and my hubby enjoyed it for lunch. And the last time it was so delicious that we ate more than we should. 🙂
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Beetroot, cashew and feta salads
Don’t know why but this autumn I’m hooked on beetroots. Every weekend I boil some beetroots and through the week I incorporate them in our dishes. And then story repeats. When I wanted for dinner something light, I prepared these salads. By the way, this recipe in the book is called carpaccio, but I think it’s more salads, and the name is more usual and not so fancy 🙂 . Family girls enjoy them, the big boy ate them and just said that more balsamic vinegar would be better, and the little boy as always, prepared some theater and then ate them, just without enjoyment. So I remember these salads as they are fit for girls 🙂 And I prepared very similar salads with hazelnuts, and they were very good too. So as always – don’t be afraid to experiment and correct ingredients by your refrigerator or cupboard products.
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Bean salads with pickles and sausage
Again my refrigerator is empty, so I boiled some beans. Now for a few days we enjoy them with meat or vegetable stew, or with pasta, or just simply with fried onions and tomatoes. Today I decided to make this salads. I’ve made them before and it left good memories, so I guess it’s time to show them for you too. Today I made them with my proportions, so this is how I liked them most. We ate all four, and everyone liked them. Just to mention, I used some smoked ham and I really recommend to use it too. It gives strong but good taste.
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Turkey and rice stew with carrots and green peas
It’s really very simple stew and seasonings play here the main role. So you should use the ones that your family loves and the quantities that are good for you. Make experiment and enjoy it! As you can guess you can substitute turkey with chicken. We tried it already and we didn’t noticed the difference.
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Home-made burger with Havarti cheese
When outside is so hot that no one wants to cook, but you get hungry anyway. Thus, in the late evening, when the weather began to cool down at least a little bit, we heated our hand-made grill and cooked burgers. Meat preparation is described below, and then all is left – to make your burgers to your taste and preferences. We used rolls, lettuce, tomato slices, several kinds of sauces and of course cheese. Burgers turned out incredibly tasty, perhaps because of the cheese, maybe because of grilled rolls, or maybe just because we did them at home after a very long break. They tasted even better than those bought for sure.
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Cottage cheese and zucchini bake
I make this bake with my first zucchini that grew in our garden. In my archive I didn’t find the recipe that I could follow, so I fantasized a little bit and make bake with cottage cheese and zucchini. My family enjoyed it a lot. And even when I baked it again, all disappeared in one sitting. So please, bake and enjoy it too!
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Cinnamon chips with fruit salsa
Dessert came out really good. Someone put fruit salsa on cinnamon chips, someone ate fruit salsa with teaspoon next to the cinnamon chips. Kids ate all leftovers and looked for more cinnamon chips, but unfortunately… they were all gone.
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White beans, tomato and cucumber salads
They came out very refreshing, filling and fast. Even the kids liked it, and my son said that these salads are even better than normal (he almost every time says that the meal is just normal).
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Ice cream without eggs
This hot day I give you ice cream. All agreed that they really good and they taste almost like store bought.
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Pork medallions in Maggi Papyrus with healthy salads
Next to the pork medallions I served some healthy salads which I saw yesterday in one of my magazines. It was simple and almost everything was already in my refrigerator. We enjoyed them a lot, even my kids ate them (with some motivation – some candies in front of them, which were kids if they eat all salads). Me and my hubby agreed that these salads would be grate even without meat, because roasted sunflower seeds were so good in these salads. So we’ll be making them soon for sure again.
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Minced meat and cabbage pie with curry and apples
This pie may look strange at first, but we tried it twice and we liked it. Apples gives sweet and Tabasco – spicy tastes. And this pie doesn’t require eggs, so the filling is not so solid but it’s not crumbly also. I and my son liked the pie crust – it’s with whole wheat flour, so it crumbles a little bit more than usual with only white wheat flour, but it has some charm in it.
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Braised green peas with carrots
This recipe looks so simple, but we found it just this year. And it’s already in top of our favourite recipes. Maybe for someone there’s nothing new, but me and my hubby didn’t eat this dish in our childhood, so it’s new for us. Now when we need quick dinner or supper, we braise all frozen vegetables the same way, and always it comes out really very very delicious.
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Beet and tuna salads
One more salads that are very good in autumn or in winter or anytime while don’t have any fresh greens. You can mix everything in a bowl, but I think it’s beautiful and more quick to serve them layered in plates. The next day I prepared them without tuna, and they got a lot of compliments from my kids.
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Crispy coleslaw
For a few years I was looking for cabbage salads that my family enjoyed. And this is the one – I made them maybe 5 times or more. The secret I think is celery. Remember, we don’t like it, but this time I think it’s essential. So I want to remember these salads till the next autumn or winter and that’s why I add the recipe here – the safest place for the recipes I know 🙂
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Chicken breast with homemade tomato sauce
Sometimes even when at home there is only a few products, you still can prepare satisfying meal. For this one you only need to buy canned tomatoes and chicken breast, other products – I guest almost everyone have at home. But I have to tell you this time you will have to spend some time preparing tomato sauce, but it’s worth that. I like it even more than store bought. But my kids don’t agree with me 🙂 But everyone has the right to choose.
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Belarusian potato latkes
There are days when no egg are left in a refrigerator, and no one wants to go shopping. But this recipe comes to the rescue – these latkes are without egg. The taste doesn’t change from our ordinary potato latkes with eggs. So I add this recipe here that I didn’t forgot about this opportunity.
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Pillaf from Rustam
This is my favourite pillaf recipe. After I found it I don’t seek any new anymore. I like it because it doesn’t use tomato sauce or ketchup, because real tomatoes are used. But if you like ketchup, you can use it anyway. Sometimes I adapt recipe for my hubby and add only small carrot, sometimes I don’t add bell pepper at all. But sometimes I do everything by recipe, because I think proportions given are just perfect.
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Balsamic green bean salads
Spring is near so we should start cleaning our freezers. We love green beans and every year I prepare a lot of them for the winter. But almost always the best dish for me and my daughter is fried green beans with butter and bread crumbs. Until now! Maybe this delicious salads are very tasty just for me and my hubby, because dressing has a really strong taste. But kids also eat these salads, just amount is not very big 🙂
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Minced meat and cheese bake
This dish is perfect when you have minced meat prepared for meat balls but you don’t want to stand near the pan. It can be prepared in advance and put in a refrigerator. Then even my hubby can bake it. My family just loves this bake, maybe it’s because of the cheese, but I love it because of it’s simplicity.
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Quick Christmas fruit cake
This one was a little bit too sweet for me, but with unsweetened coffee it was great. You can substitute dried fruits with you favourites. For example I substituted some prunes with dried apricots and dates, also some of raisins substituted with dried cranberries. It’s really your choice and use all your dried fruit reserves.
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Cabbage and minced meat bake
Rather healthy and satisfying dish for cabbage lovers. My family liked it a lot, but I have to warn you – from the portions in the recipe you will make a lot of it. So if you want just to try it – make from half of the recipe.
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Raspberry Parfait
This year we had a lot of raspberries. We ate them raw, made some new recipes, and still had some for freezing. I’m so happy about that, because now autumn started… and we started to go to school and kindergarden. The good thing that I am on vocations so I have quiet time to drink tea and to think what can I do good for my family.
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Yoghurt cake with currant cream
Maybe this is the last recipe with currants this year. This time with white currants, because I just love them. I decided to use them in this cake, although you can use black or red currants. First time I did everything by the recipe – and currant seeds were annoying. Second time boiled currants I strained through the mesh – but then cream wasn’t so refreshing. So the next time I will go the easy way and leave seeds 🙂
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Black currant pie
This year I try to make something new out of currant because last year I had no time for them. And the first try – a pie with black currants. I took it to my work and my colleagues enjoyed it a lot. So after a few days I baked it again to my hubby because I knew he will love it too. I wasn’t wrong 🙂 So believe me – this pie with a creamy black currant cream is really worth your time!
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Cucumber and eggs salads
This simple salads are from kids recipe book (only one of a huge amount). But they really suitable for parents, just double or triple the quantities. If your little one is like mine and doesn’t like salad leaves, cut them in small chunks – it worked for my kid and he ate and didn’t noticed them.
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Cranberry vitamins
We all dream about spring, but winter is still here, and all deseases are still here. So I suggest to make this vitamin mixture and be really healthy till the warm days will come. It takes only minutes, and tastes wonderfully. Especially if you don’t like citrus fruit bitterness in other the same kind vitamin mixtures.
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Chocolate cake with apples
This recipe waited for a year because last year somehow I was late – apples were gone, and I didn’t want to buy them. So this year this is my first (and the only) apple cake. And it was a really good cake! I baked only half of the recipe, but I got only one slice – my kids ate almost half of it at once. I could treat my parents only with the small slices… The cake is very moist and in reality it looks better than in the book. And I won’t judge my photos 🙂
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Swirl Pumpkin Brownies
Yes, I still have pumpkin puree 🙂 And this time it’s not so healthy but very chocolate brownie. It’s really easy, just I baked 10 minutes more. The next time, I will bake only 5 minutes more. And also, when I baked it second time I used less sugar, and my big girl tasted that. My hubby also agreed that brownie second time was not so good as the first time. So the third time I won’t change anything – these proportions are really perfect!
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