up to 200 kcal | Family kitchen

Strawberry smoothie with quinoa
I do not know how it is in your family, but in mine quinoa didn’t find its way to our stomach. On the other hand, I should say, until now. Because no recipes that I have tried before were enjoyed, and this smoothie was gone quicker than I said “It’s with quinoa”. So the next day I made it again, and ask if anyone wants to drink it, and both kids shouted “YES!!!”. Therefore, you understand why I add this smoothie recipe here
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Ground flax seed porridge
Lately, if we have bananas, I always make flax seed porridge. I like it very much. And if I add chopped fruits that are at the moment at home, and sprinkle with chopped toasted nuts – porridge comes out unreal! All my family enjoy this porridge, even the smallest and the largest. And I just love the fact that it is healthy and useful, and tasty.
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Banana granola sugar-free and oil-free
nother name of this granola should be “It can’t be more healthy” 🙂 Now almost every sweet is too sweet for me, that’s why I liked this granola – it has only a mild sweetness. But making this granola you should use really overripe banana.
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Pork medallions in Maggi Papyrus with healthy salads
Next to the pork medallions I served some healthy salads which I saw yesterday in one of my magazines. It was simple and almost everything was already in my refrigerator. We enjoyed them a lot, even my kids ate them (with some motivation – some candies in front of them, which were kids if they eat all salads). Me and my hubby agreed that these salads would be grate even without meat, because roasted sunflower seeds were so good in these salads. So we’ll be making them soon for sure again.
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Braised green peas with carrots
This recipe looks so simple, but we found it just this year. And it’s already in top of our favourite recipes. Maybe for someone there’s nothing new, but me and my hubby didn’t eat this dish in our childhood, so it’s new for us. Now when we need quick dinner or supper, we braise all frozen vegetables the same way, and always it comes out really very very delicious.
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Crispy coleslaw
For a few years I was looking for cabbage salads that my family enjoyed. And this is the one – I made them maybe 5 times or more. The secret I think is celery. Remember, we don’t like it, but this time I think it’s essential. So I want to remember these salads till the next autumn or winter and that’s why I add the recipe here – the safest place for the recipes I know 🙂
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Baked cottage cheese cakes with bran
Very quick and healthy cottage cheese cakes. You can prepare them in 5 minutes and then, while they are baking, you can prepare salads or food for other family members, who don’t want to eat so healthy.
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Belarusian potato latkes
There are days when no egg are left in a refrigerator, and no one wants to go shopping. But this recipe comes to the rescue – these latkes are without egg. The taste doesn’t change from our ordinary potato latkes with eggs. So I add this recipe here that I didn’t forgot about this opportunity.
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Balsamic green bean salads
Spring is near so we should start cleaning our freezers. We love green beans and every year I prepare a lot of them for the winter. But almost always the best dish for me and my daughter is fried green beans with butter and bread crumbs. Until now! Maybe this delicious salads are very tasty just for me and my hubby, because dressing has a really strong taste. But kids also eat these salads, just amount is not very big 🙂
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Omelette with cheese
I know, I know this is not some super stunning recipes, but this omelette is baked in our house almost every week, or when no bread we have at home, or when sandwiches starts to get boring. My kids don’t like simple omelette or baked eggs, but this is with cheese. And it buys my kids 🙂 Usually I prepare it without recipe, but I don’t like recipes without measurements so I give you exact recipe.
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Chocolate yoghurt
Monday is a hard day, but anyway I want to share with you this dessert recipe. It’s so simple and quick. My all family enjoy it. But we all agreed that with milk chocolate it’s better, because dark chocolate gives some bitterness and yoghurt becomes unsweet for our tastes.
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Coffee for weekend preasure
It was the last day of my vocations… And coffee was running out… So I decided that the last cup of coffee has to be delicious and started to look for a good recipe. And found it 😉 It is simple, quick and all ingredients were at my hand. I’d like to make it today again, but… there’s no coffee at home. But weekend is beginning and I will make some good treats for my whole family anyway. But you can try this coffee 🙂
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Skinny apple coffee-cake
When I was a child, my mom used to bake very similar cake to this one, she never added any fats to it. But this cake is more beautiful to me because it has apple layer. It’s very quick and simple, and author says it’s skinny – so why not to give it a try 🙂 Anyway, I think that there is no bad food, it’s all in quantities that we eat 🙂
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Kids rice soup with green peas
My kids are tired of eating salads 🙂 so I decided to prepare them soup – simple, only with a few ingredients as kids like this. Also I had some fresh peas in a fridge, and for more satiety I added small turkey meatballs, but they are really optional.
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Yoghurt cake with currant cream
Maybe this is the last recipe with currants this year. This time with white currants, because I just love them. I decided to use them in this cake, although you can use black or red currants. First time I did everything by the recipe – and currant seeds were annoying. Second time boiled currants I strained through the mesh – but then cream wasn’t so refreshing. So the next time I will go the easy way and leave seeds 🙂
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Cucumber and eggs salads
This simple salads are from kids recipe book (only one of a huge amount). But they really suitable for parents, just double or triple the quantities. If your little one is like mine and doesn’t like salad leaves, cut them in small chunks – it worked for my kid and he ate and didn’t noticed them.
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Baked chicken salads
Very delicious and satisfying salads. Especially we liked that bell pepper is baked not fresh. I prepared these salads not once and tried with iceberg salad, and with salads form our garden (salads, rucola, sorrel). Every time it was perfect! And depending on vegetables amount you can prepare this salads for 6 or for 3 people. It’s up to you 🙂
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Grainy curd and tomato salads
It’s almost summer so we could wait anymore for fresh vegetables from our own garden and started to by tomatoes, cucumbers and salads. Now we can eat salads for lunch and dinner. But I’m looking carefully to the future and seeking new ideas for great refreshing food. One of the findings is this salads. It looks very simple, but all ingredients are balanced and suits each other. And for the best it is so quickly prepared that you can make it for lunch – just chop vegetables in the morning and by some curd before going to the office. 😉
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Muffins with berries
It was really impulsive baking. I saw them in a magazine for parents in a section “Baking together”. 🙂 Together? So I asked if my kids want to bake something and they happily agreed. So I just measured all ingredients in purpose that my kids were not bored, and they started to work. The result came out perfect – smell was fantastic, and the taste was remarkable – berries gave some refreshing sourness and banana gave moisture. Even next day they were very good and left over disappeared too quickly. So I’m thinking to repeat them very soon again.
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Crab sticks salad with tomato
In my family I guess only I eat these crab sticks. So while my kids were still sleeping and my hubby was already working, I tried some recipes with them. This recipe is very quick and easy. Especially tasty with homegrown tomatoes 😉 I enjoyed them on toasted pumpkin bread (that’s why my bread is so yellow). Hope you will like them too!
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Frozen cherry yoghurt ice cream
Ice cream is very refreshing and disappears quickly. I divided mixture to 8 cups, and the portions were not small. It was enough to enjoy it several times. Next time I will pour mixture through the sieve. Because now some cherry skin chunks left, and I like smooth consistency.
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Raw banana and peanut butter smoothie
When I saw this recipe, I knew – I will do it because I had all ingredients by the hand, even almond milk. And I can say that this is more dessert than smoothie, because it’s very dense. It was perfect for my hubby, who hates cow milk, and this smoothie he liked very very much. I think you can try cow milk instead of almond, but it won’t be raw 😉
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Strawberry Milk
This drink now is number one for my kids! When I ask do they want strawberry milk, every time they start to jump shouting “YES! YES! YES!”, and then drinking adds “Tastiness!” 🙂 So this is how small efforts give big joy for kids. And this is really simple just strawberry syrup with milk. But very effective! Really 🙂
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Raspberries and yoghurt smoothie
Summer drink, which will be very refreshing if you will use frozen bananas. But if you also use frozen berries, you’ll get soft ice cream 🙂 Of course, if you wait a little bit, they will transport to tasty cocktail 🙂 By the way, I thought that I have raspberries, but it appeared that I have red berries mix. But anyway, drink was very good 🙂
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Berry and banana sherbet
Warm days will come back soon so we should be prepared. This sherbet is very quick, and kids will like it for sure because you don’t have to wait while they will chill. You just blend and enjoy!
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Buns with cottage cheese
I bake these buns everytime I have some cottage cheese left and want something sweet but at the same time simple. And the next day I just love to warm them a few seconds in the microwave – then they smell like newly baked. Really good!
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Chocolate peanut butter smoothie
When I want something sweet but healthy at the same time – I blend smoothies. My kids adore them 🙂 Maybe that’s why all the time I keep a few frozen bananas in the fridge.
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We just love tortillas. I tried this recipe more than once. Every time disappears very quickly, because my kids and me just eat them warm plain. My hubby doesn’t adore pastry, but he enjoys eating tortillas with some filling. So I really recommend to try – it’s simple, quick and better one hundred time than store bought.
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Corn salads
This salads were prepared by my kids 🙂 And it’s simple but really goods. Tomatoes and cucumber gives freshness, and potatoes – satiety. My kids ate without onions, because they were the chefs 🙂 But for adults I recommend to add onion springs.
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Wild strawberries with sour milk
Quick and easy drink or dessert. I made it for kids and they liked it a lot. It’s a pity that these berries were the last in our garden.
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Cheesecake with almonds and blueberries
This cake is really simple. Only the base is very crumbly. Next time I will add a little bit more butter. But… maybe it”s because I used not oat cookies but shortbread cookies. My hubbe even frightened me – took one bite and moved plate toward me… The first thought – he didn”t like it. BUT I was very happy when he asked to put MORE! 🙂
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