All by calories | Family kitchen

Chanterelles with oven roasted potatoes
To tell the truth, this dish last year ate even my hubby! And agreed that it not only looks great, but taste the same way too. To bake potatoes in the oven takes time, so sometimes I change them with boiled potatoes. However, if you are not in hurry, you should really try to bake them in the oven. It is more tasty that way.
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White beans and dried tomato salads
Once I made these salads and it was something new. Maybe it tasted not so usual to us, but it was really good. And now I made these salads for four times and they still disappear very quickly. So I save the recipe here and recommend to try them you too.
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Carrot and cottage cheese bake
Spring is here – calendar tells it, but outside is still cold. Anyway, my eyes automatically turns to warm colours. Carrots are full of warm orange colour and they are perfect for us today. In this bake, I used oat bran and it gave the bake a little bit grey colour. So if you want to make colour of the bake brighter – use semolina.
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Cottage cheese and boiled potato bake
Potatoes and cottage cheese – it’s always a great company. So why not to combine them in to a bake. It can be prepared within a few minutes. I found this recipe in Russian magazine about child-caring, but significantly changed by our observations: original recipe asks to slice the potatoes, but we prefer grated because it distributes better; original asks to pour more milk, we prefer the more eggs, and this bake comes out stronger. For us our experimentations came out super tasty. So, honestly, I urge you to try it too 😉
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Buckwheat salads for lunch
These salads we prepared a few times and I can say that we like it with boiled raw buckwheat, but you can use what you have, or what you like more. Here I present you our version.
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Strawberry smoothie with quinoa
I do not know how it is in your family, but in mine quinoa didn’t find its way to our stomach. On the other hand, I should say, until now. Because no recipes that I have tried before were enjoyed, and this smoothie was gone quicker than I said “It’s with quinoa”. So the next day I made it again, and ask if anyone wants to drink it, and both kids shouted “YES!!!”. Therefore, you understand why I add this smoothie recipe here
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Crepes filled with brinza cheese
Tomorrow is Mardi Gras, and it seems, if I had no kids, I could forget it. But not now, because my kids already said what pancakes I should bake for their school. And as always my mind is busy about ideas what I could make tasty to feed my family. These crepes takes it all – they are very delicious and very satisfying. And everything in preparation is very simple and clear. But every time I prepare them, all just start to fight for them. For me, it gives a lot of pleasure. Since it is very tasty, it is difficult to stop eating them, so I make them not very often but during Mardi Gras you really can treat yourself.
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Pumpkin granola with chocolate chunks
Usually I make granola in summer, when it’s hot outside and no one wants to eat porridge. But when last week I tried new recipe for granola bars and I had only crumbs, my kids ate it just like usual granola for breakfast. And then they asked to make more granola. So I make my favourite at this moment granola. Kids’ favourite granola will have to wait a little bit. They enjoy this granola too, just for them I had to add chocolate with more sugar.
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Hearts and carrot stew
If the past time was a healthy recipe, now it’s the cheap one. After all, you need to have all kinds of options. I made this stew for three times because we couldn’t decided we like it or not. The second time I made it, carrots had too strong taste and we didn’t like it. So choose young, crisp and tasty carrots and everything will be fine. Our children do not eat this sort of misunderstandings , so me and my hubby enjoyed it for lunch. And the last time it was so delicious that we ate more than we should. 🙂
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Raw buckwheat and sunflower porrigde with fruits
Let’s start this new year eating healty! Especially when it does not requires a lot of effort, it should not be difficult to prepare it. I really wanted to try raw buckwheat, and when I bought them for long time I could not decided what to do with them. When accedentally I discovered this recipe, quickly it was prepared for breakfast. And yes, at first you will be tired of chewing it, but I think it’s good because you will have to make time for eating. You can not put quickly this porridge in your stomach and go, you will have to sit, chew and think about your life – it takes time. Fruits can chosen according to your taste, but I like the kiwi and ginger combination and ripe bananas provide enough sweetness, so for me it has enough sweetness even without honey or agave syrup. But you can always choose your favourite fruits and adjust sweetness by your taste buds.
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Cottage cheese and corn flour pancakes
Last year for Christmas I bought the book Wheat belly, and I liked it so much that in January I didn’t give my family any wheat. At first it as very strange, unusual, but then we got used to it very quickly. But what I liked most – this gave me a kick to look for something new. That’s how I found these pancakes and this year we made them not once or twice. Sometimes I bake them as usual pancakes, sometimes in waffle iron. Both ways we like them. Every time these pancakes comes out very fluffy and light. And they spread in a pan a lot, so make space for them. And if you like to eat pancakes without any add-ons, I suggest to add a little bit more sugar or pour over them some tasty syrup.
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Beetroot, cashew and feta salads
Don’t know why but this autumn I’m hooked on beetroots. Every weekend I boil some beetroots and through the week I incorporate them in our dishes. And then story repeats. When I wanted for dinner something light, I prepared these salads. By the way, this recipe in the book is called carpaccio, but I think it’s more salads, and the name is more usual and not so fancy 🙂 . Family girls enjoy them, the big boy ate them and just said that more balsamic vinegar would be better, and the little boy as always, prepared some theater and then ate them, just without enjoyment. So I remember these salads as they are fit for girls 🙂 And I prepared very similar salads with hazelnuts, and they were very good too. So as always – don’t be afraid to experiment and correct ingredients by your refrigerator or cupboard products.
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Bean salads with pickles and sausage
Again my refrigerator is empty, so I boiled some beans. Now for a few days we enjoy them with meat or vegetable stew, or with pasta, or just simply with fried onions and tomatoes. Today I decided to make this salads. I’ve made them before and it left good memories, so I guess it’s time to show them for you too. Today I made them with my proportions, so this is how I liked them most. We ate all four, and everyone liked them. Just to mention, I used some smoked ham and I really recommend to use it too. It gives strong but good taste.
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Turkey and rice stew with carrots and green peas
It’s really very simple stew and seasonings play here the main role. So you should use the ones that your family loves and the quantities that are good for you. Make experiment and enjoy it! As you can guess you can substitute turkey with chicken. We tried it already and we didn’t noticed the difference.
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Meatballs in spicy sauce
When I saw this recipes I immediately wanted to make them. The main reason – meatballs are baked in an oven, so you don’t have to stand near the stove. I made them already a few time and both times they came out really good. So I just need to add this recipe hear in my blog. You should try them too 🙂 By the way, when I made them, I didn’t have bread crumbs, that’s why I used oat brans. But it didn’t change the taste, just made meatballs healthier.
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Cottage cheese and zucchini bake
I make this bake with my first zucchini that grew in our garden. In my archive I didn’t find the recipe that I could follow, so I fantasized a little bit and make bake with cottage cheese and zucchini. My family enjoyed it a lot. And even when I baked it again, all disappeared in one sitting. So please, bake and enjoy it too!
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Cinnamon chips with fruit salsa
Dessert came out really good. Someone put fruit salsa on cinnamon chips, someone ate fruit salsa with teaspoon next to the cinnamon chips. Kids ate all leftovers and looked for more cinnamon chips, but unfortunately… they were all gone.
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White beans, tomato and cucumber salads
They came out very refreshing, filling and fast. Even the kids liked it, and my son said that these salads are even better than normal (he almost every time says that the meal is just normal).
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Chopped chicken cakes with yoghurt sauce
Author: Aušra Date: 2015-03-18 Long time ago, my family enjoyed these meat cakes prepared ahead, but later I started to use less mayonnaise and stopped baking them. After some time I found recipe of very …
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Smoked chicken breast and broccoli salads
When my mother on the weekend told me about the salads that she tasted at work, I was sceptical. And when she decided to prepare it for us, I was afraid (our taste is very different). But I’m glad that she did it, because we liked it a lot. It’s better to say that grown ups liked it, because my kids didn’t like onion and broccoli. Mayonnaise doesn’t make these salads healthy but for a quick dinner they were very good.
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Almond chicken fingers
These chicken fingers are very good. A lot of spices are used in the recipe, but the combination is perfect. Only cayenne pepper you should add according to your taste. When I prepare this chicken to my children, I add only half of it, but in the original it is used twice as much. Fingers are prepared very quickly, and the most exciting thing that it doesn’t need time to marinate, and later you don’t have to stand near the pan. For your health – it’s only for the good. We ate this chicken already many times, sometimes just as fast food – with some sauce and pickles or oven fried potatoes. This time we had it for dinner with some vegetable stew, ordinary enough, but still everything was good and we liked it.
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Chicken breast with curry and lemon peel
This dinner was very delicious and quick and it reminded me the spring when almost every meal was with a huge bowl of salads and a little bit meat for satiety. I baked chicken on electric grill and it was done in 10 minutes. It gave just enough time to chop my salads. I just love to have recipes that are appreciated by my family and at the same time are very quick.
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Ground flax seed porridge
Lately, if we have bananas, I always make flax seed porridge. I like it very much. And if I add chopped fruits that are at the moment at home, and sprinkle with chopped toasted nuts – porridge comes out unreal! All my family enjoy this porridge, even the smallest and the largest. And I just love the fact that it is healthy and useful, and tasty.
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Hot pizza taste sandwiches
This weekend my kids were just amazing. They made these hot sandwiches alone, without my help. They even concurred their fear of the oven and the heat. The first day actually I helped them with the oven a little bit, but the next morning – me and my hubby had breakfast in bed, because my kids did everything on their one! Our eyes were wide open out of the pride what grate kids we are have. I love my kids!
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Broccoli with parmesan cheese
When I think about what to eat healthy and quick, I remember broccoli with cheese. I like it so much! Even my hubby agreed that it tastes good, but the smell… Please ingore it and don’t be scared because it taste good!
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Corn fritters
My kids just love corn. The first time I baked these fritter, they disappeared in a minute so there was nothing to photograph. Today I made some shots and only then invited kids to the table. And that was a good move, because fritters again disappeared in a minute. So if you or your kid like corn, I really recommend you to make them.
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Oatmeal with banana and nuts
This morning was cloudy so it was a good time to cook this oatmeal. My kids don”t like simple oatmeal (or I just think that I still didn”t learn to cook it tasty), so I decided to make a little bit sweet but still healty version. Banana gives mild sweetness and nuts adds some crunchy texture. In the original recipe walnuts are used, but we don”t like them so I changed them to hazelnuts. At the end my little one asked next time not to add nuts at all. So decide by yourself to use or not to use nuts in your oatmeal.
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Cottage cheese cake without baking
Light and easy cake for cottage cheese lovers. We like it because it contains only cottage cheese, no fat cream. So it”s very good for those who looks after body shape.
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Cottage cheese bake with couscous
We like cottage cheese bake, so I have already tried a lot of versions like simple cottage cheese bake, cottage cheese and pasta bake, cottage cheese and vanilla pudding bake and cottage cheese and rice bake. This time I tried with couscous. Everyone tastes a little bit different but we like them all. And it’s good to know that everytime I can choose by my refrigerator content.
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Frittata with green beans and tomatoes
Frequently for breakfast we have simply baked eggs because it’s warm, quick and tasty. Even by daughter seeing us eating baked eggs tried and liked them. So now whole family eats baked eggs in the morning 🙂
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Pasta salad with grean peas and tomatoes
Very simple recipe. Parents like it because it’s really quick and kids like it because it’s delicious. Almost everyday I find myself thinking about how to encourage my kids to eat more veggies. These salads are one step closer to my wish. My kids didn’t even noticed chopped chives 🙂 I repeated this recipe several times and both times kids said the same – it’s really good!
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Pork medallions in Maggi Papyrus with healthy salads
Next to the pork medallions I served some healthy salads which I saw yesterday in one of my magazines. It was simple and almost everything was already in my refrigerator. We enjoyed them a lot, even my kids ate them (with some motivation – some candies in front of them, which were kids if they eat all salads). Me and my hubby agreed that these salads would be grate even without meat, because roasted sunflower seeds were so good in these salads. So we’ll be making them soon for sure again.
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