Appertizers and Snacks | Family kitchen

Salted crackers with flax seeds
I made the decision that my family like flax seeds. I baked these crackers don’t know how many times, but every time they end in the same way – we can’t stop eating them and they finish at the same day. Even today my little man can’t stop eating them. But they are not sweet so I let him enjoy them.
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Lavash chips with blue cheese sauce
Almost every weekend we try to do something tasty. It doesn’t have to be sweet. So this time I suggest you lavash chips with blue cheese sauce. You will make them in half an hour for sure. And they are really healthier option for patoto chips.
Some my notices. When you sprinkle lavash with salt – be careful, because cheese sauce is quite salty. If you are afraid that onion greens will fall of the chips – don’t be, they really don’t fall that easy. Also, I noticed that super markets sell lavash from a few companies, they are a little bit different in thickness. So I recommend to use thinnest – chips will be more brittle.
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Cheese sticks
I’ve heard a lot of compliments on these sticks. And they were tasted not only by my family, but by a lot of people in my mother’s relatives gathering. From this amount you will bake a lot of cheese sticks, so when I saw it I devided it in halves and the first half was baked the same day for the gathering. The second part was baked next day only for my family. So what can I say… You should really wait and let rest dough in a refrigerator, because next day they were lighter and moister. By the way, I made half with caraway and in another half I omitted it. I liked both variants, so you decide by yourself to use caraway or not.
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Spicy almonds
The first time I made them for Christmas presents, but they are really good, so sometimes I prepare them just for us. They good for a snack or next to the cold beer. The last time I made them I put just a little bit less cayenne pepper, and my kids enjoyed them too.
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Fish roll
Author: Aušra Date: 2013-03-08 This is one of my husband”s favourites. And it comes here from my hubby mom. Once she made it for every festival but now times changed and so we started to …
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Crab sticks salad with tomato
In my family I guess only I eat these crab sticks. So while my kids were still sleeping and my hubby was already working, I tried some recipes with them. This recipe is very quick and easy. Especially tasty with homegrown tomatoes 😉 I enjoyed them on toasted pumpkin bread (that’s why my bread is so yellow). Hope you will like them too!
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Fish spread
This is something that don’t require cream cheese. I try not to by it if I don’t know where I will use it. So my desire to prepare some spread with smoked fish every time ended without nothing. Until one day – I was searching for something in book “Beata kitchen” (lithuanian food writer) and I saw this recipe. Then I ran to my hubby and told that this will be for lunch. This was really good. At first I didn’t use all lemon juice, but then we added everything, because the tastes are really well balanced.
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Sardine pâté
The tastiest pâté for my family. After I prepare this pâté, the others became not suitable for us 🙂 I think this is becaus of lemon given freshness. Just don’t put lemon juice too much. We lowered the amount of them, and we can’t get enough of this.
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Stuffed cucumbers
Super easy and quick appetizer, if you have some boiled rice leftovers. Even children could prepare it. But also it’s tasty and with freshness 🙂
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Rice cakes with vegetables
Last weekend, while my children were sleeping in the afternoon, I wanted to bake something sweet. But I was angry at my self, because I didn’t know what can I bake. So I started to browse in my computer looking for something suitable. And I saw these cakes. I decided to make them. I know, that they’re not sweet, but I had everything they needed in my fridge. I just didn’t make baskets out of rice, just did two layer cakes. And they tasted very good. At first I was afraid that my hubby will miss meat in them, but I was wrong 🙂
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Norwegian sandwich
I learned how to make this sandwich from my friend which is living in Norway almost for two years. Every time she comes back to Lithuania, she doesn’t forget to visit us 🙂 The last time she visited us with her norvegian friend, they found the same pickled prawns like they buy in Norway. So they showed us how to make this easy sandwiches.
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Puff-pastry with onions and sunflower seeds
When I saw this recipe the first thought was that onion and sunflower seeds are strange combination. But it was so simple that I couldn’t resist trying it. And I can say that it’s very good snack. I just wanted to use coarse salt but I don’t have it, so I used fine salt and it was ok.
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Small cheese pies
Delicious little pies. If I have Vienna sausages, I put them in the filling too and all you have to do is to take tomato sauce for the great food 🙂
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Zucchini muffins with cheese
We like to eat these muffins for afternoon snack when we don’t want anything sweet. I make mini muffins so they are perfect for little children hands. They disappear very quickly.
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Maybe not the real ones but really tasty kibinai
I must confess – I have never ate the real kibinai ? But this weekend we had some guests who likes kibinai a lot, and they said that these kibinai are very good (kibinai also agreed with guests “cause they disappeared from the plate very fast ? )
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Cucumber bites with cottage cheese
Very refreshing and easy snack. If you will use blender, you will prepare it in minutes. Taste was very similar to cold beet soup just without beets.
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Very good and delicious snack. We enjoy it with ketchup and mayonnaise sauce.
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