My name is Aušra 🙂 Somewhen I was called Chyzas (if we ever meet, I think you”ll understand why). I always was interested in food making, but I didn”t realized that. Only now, when I look back, I understand that even at school I collected recipes and thought what I could prepare. But I never proceeded. At the university I took care only about my self, so I had no need to cook. I started to cook only when I found my beloved husband (the road to his heart really went through the stomach 🙂 ). And now I have the beautiful princess and a little imp. Therefore I”ve got more mouths to feed, so I spend more and more time in the kitchen. But I really like it. Sometimes I even don”t want to go out of the kitchen. Certainly there are some days when I don”t want to go to the kitchen. But when I start to cook I enter the fantastic world of cookery and I forget everything.