Gingerbread cookies
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Author: Aušra
This gingerbread cookies I baked two times and the second time I made them thinner – these were much more better 😉 It’s sad that ducks, elephants, mice and butterflies didn’t survived till photo session.. By the way, I don’t know why but butterflies were most popular 🙂 Maybe because they were very colourful… This is the last entry about Christmas baking. So what now? Will be waiting for the spring? 🙂
Gingerbread cookies
Time needed:
Yields: a lot
Calories: 4021 kcal / all
- 100 g butter or margarine
- 200 g honey
- 200 g sugar
- 2 eggs
- 500 g flour
- 1 packet baking powder
- 1 tsp. spice mix for gingerbreads
- Spice mix for gingerbreads:
- 6 tsps. cinnamon
- 2 tsps. allspice
- 2 tsps. cloves
- 1 tsp. muscat
- Melt butter, sugar and honey.
- Cool a little bit then beat in eggs and whisk.
- In another bowl sift flour and baking powder.
- Step by step mix flour with wet ingredients.
- Wrap the dough in foil and chill not less than 3 hours.
- Then roll down the dough as thick as you can on floured surface.
- Cut shapes what you like and bake in preheated oven at 180°C.
- Enjoy!
Source: Supermamos forumas

Rhubarb pie
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Ranger cookies
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Crepes rolls with minced meat
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Chocolate cake with apples
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