
Broccoli with parmesan cheese

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Broccoli with parmesan cheese

Author: Aušra


So vocations are over… Body shape is nots so good again… But when I think about what to eat healthy and quick, I remember broccoli with cheese. I like it so much! Even my hubby agreed that it tastes good, but the smell… Please ingore it and don’t be scared because it taste good!

Broccoli with parmesan cheese

Time needed:
Yields: 2 servings
Calories: 269 kcal / 1 serving


  • 500 g broccoli
  • 50 g parmesan cheese (I used Džiugas Mild)
  • 2 tbsps. butter
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice
  • salt
  • ground black peppers


  • Grate cheese with fine grater. For this it is convenient to use a blender.
  • Divide the broccoli in small florets, put in boiling salted water and cook for 3-5 minutes.
  • Drain the broccoli and rinse with very cold water, it will not let broccoli to lose that bright colour.
  • Melt butter in a pan, add broccoli florets and sauté for 1-2 minutes.
  • In a pan pour the lemon juice, sprinkle with half the amount of cheese, seasoned with salt and pepper. Sauté for another 1-2 minutes.
  • Transfer broccoli to the plate, sprinkle with the remaining cheese and serve.
  • Enjoy!

Source: Секреты кулинарного мастерства 2014 04. Еда для идеалъной фигуры

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